Chapter One

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The sea was a silent deadly killer where on the surface was calm but underneath the mask of calmness, lays dangerous storms and waves that could kill many across the earth. However, the humans also loved the sea and thus, this has made a certain young God of the Sea and Storm felt blessed to be the ruler of the sea. He watched over the vast ocean he loves for thousands of millennium.

In his many adventures to the humans land, he met a girl whose age are the same as his God age time. She did not fear him when he told her his identity and powers as the God of the Sea. He became friends with her; he often came to the cliffs where he first met her just to have fun. He shows her the beautiful wonders of the ocean and sea creatures. She loves the ocean as much as he did. He began to open up to her as her smile brightens his day. He wishes that it would last forever but he has forgotten she was a human and he is a god.

As time passes by, era changes, the sea slowly began to suffer. The sea does not shine like before. The sea was not the gentle blue he loves anymore. It was black and dark. He felt he would get lost underneath the ocean in the darkness.

Before his eyes, the sea creatures of many forms and the land animals that has been his dearest friends for the past millennia gradually dies dues to the polluted seas by the humans toxic wastes and dumps. Everywhere he went across the ocean, he found his dear friends floating dead.

One day, when he was searching for his dear sea friends, Usamaro, a snow-white rabbit that his dear brother, the God of the Moon Tsukuyomi often cherished when he comes onto the land for the Moon Viewing lays lifeless on the ground of the cliffs he and the human girl often goes.

His golden orbs widens as he approached the lifeless rabbit that has been his loyal friend, his lips, his hands trembles as he touched the dirty coat of the rabbit, “U..Usamaro…” he gathered the rabbit into his arms. He noticed trails of blood and black dirty water fell from the corner of the lifeless rabbit. He shifts his gaze to the shore where the rabbit often took sip of the water from the sea.

“Susano-kun….?” The human girl approached the young sea god. The moment she touched his trembling shoulder, strong winds blew straight to her, pushing her away from the god. “Susano-kun?!” she tried calling and going closer to the silent god but it failed. He straightened up as his golden eyes shines dangerously yet it was wide.

“Humans…are nothing but trashes…” he flew away from the cliffs along with the white dead rabbit in his arms, leaving the girl alone as stormy wind from the sea began to strengthened up, the sea waves began to hit the shore dangerously, destroying the cliffs, the sky grew darker.

“SUSANO!!” she calls out but the gust of wind was far too strong that it destroys the houses, the trees, everything in its path. Her blue orbs widen in fear as she looked towards the sea where large waves forming up, taller than any building she has seen. The God of the Sea and Storm stood in the air as he looked down onto the earth. His orbs were empty, traces of tears at the corner of his eyes; angry blue light surrounds his body.

“Destroy every single living being.” He spoke underneath his breathe as the stormy seas and waves began to storm towards the land, washing away everything. The girl who was on the cliffs, hang onto the trees for her dear life, as she tries her hardest calling out for the rampaging sea god but nothing came through.

“SUSANO, PLEASE STOP!” but her voices were brought away by the raging storms. The cliffs began to collapsed, she has nowhere to run, below her the raging sea floods everywhere she casted her gaze on. She prays to all Gods in the high heavens to stop the sea god but it was in vain when a thunder from the darkest part of the sky crashed onto the cliffs.

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