Things are Different Now

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[This is HEAVILY Based on what's going to be 2018's Game of the Year]

Father's POV

A winter rose is all we need...

In the woods of the cold, mountainous tundra where we lived, we searched for red roses in the winter. One of the few task Caitlyn left for us. My once young and muscular body would shake like the dickens from cold snowy weather like this, but... Times have sure changed.

Found one.

Picking the red rose from the ground, I felt a bandage from my arm come undone, loosening it

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Picking the red rose from the ground, I felt a bandage from my arm come undone, loosening it. Grabbing it, the memories of times before rushed back into my mind, stopping me. Taking a deep breath, I tightened the bandage, my only flesh and blood left walked towards me with a handful of her own. She spoke with an innocent, yet elegant tone.

A reminder of her mother.

A reminder of her mother

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Olivia: Found some.... You okay?

I spoke with the tone of a man who had seen and been through it all.

Achilles: Get in the boat, Olivia.

Olivia: Yes, father.

Doing as she was told, she sat on the old wooden canoe and waited. Grabbing one end, I pushed it into the river with both arms, jumping in afterwards. Grabbing the ore, I rowwed against the current towards home.

Olivia: Father?

Achilles: Hmm.

Olivia: The woods. Everything feels....different.

Achilles: Everything is different Oliva. Try not to dwell on it.

I continued rowing us down the river to a small wooden dock. Docking the boat, the young girl got off with the flowers and made her way into the house.

 Docking the boat, the young girl got off with the flowers and made her way into the house

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Following her, I inspected the old wooden cabin we called a home. It was nothing special in it own right. In fact, it was ancient, quiet, peaceful. The way I wanted the world to be.

Let's....let's get this over with.

Grabbing a shovel, I resumed from where I left off earlier, digging a massive hole into the ground in the front yard. After an hour of work, I could hear Olivia reciting our names as I jumped out of the hole.

Olivia: Lo there, do I see my mother.....Lo there, do I see my father.......Lo there, do they call to me.....Lo there, do they call to me.....Lo there, do they call to me.

Walking into the house, I saw my daughter beside the blanket covered corpse of Caitlyn. The red winter roses rested on the heavy white blankets as I took a better look at her.


To my own surprise, she held back the tears she had, my only reason would be to not look weak in front of me. But I understood her pain, as I too barely can contain myself.

Olivia: She's ready.

Grabbing the head gently, I spoke to Caitlyn one last time.

Achilles: Find your way home. You're free now.

Lifting her bridal style, I slowly walked with her out of the house and towards the hole. Placing her into the ground, we mourned in silence for the longest minute of my life.

Rest in peace Cait

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Rest in peace Cait.....She'll carry on your legacy.

Grabbing the shovel, I slowly buried the corpse in dirt, patting it down before putting it away. Looking down, I noticed Olivia's sadness. Taking the necklace I had around my neck off, I knelt down to the young girl.

Olivia: Father?

Achilles: Hold still.

Wrapping the necklace around her, I showed her the blue and white snowflake pendant.

Wrapping the necklace around her, I showed her the blue and white snowflake pendant

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Achilles: This necklace was hers, now it is yours.

Olivia: Thank you father.

Achilles: She taught you how to hunt?

Olivia: What she knew.

Achilles: Show me.

Olivia: Now?

Achilles: Now.

She walked inside the house and grabbed her weapon in its bow form.

She walked inside the house and grabbed her weapon in its bow form

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Olivia: What are we hunting?

Achilles: You are hunting deer.

She seemed confused by the statement.

Oliva: Which way?

Achilles: In the direction of deer.

Olivia: Oh umm...T-This way.

Leaving the front yard, we headed out into the woods to hunt.

Achilles: I need to know that you are ready for what lies ahead.

Olivia: Then we head for Vale?

Achilles: That depends on you, Olivia. Hunt.

If this gets requested enough, I will continue this story.

Father and Daughter: A RWBY TaleWhere stories live. Discover now