Chapter 1

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My friend Kim drew this up for me.

Thank you Kimmy!

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"Lara" I yell as Wesley, Simon and I watch as she fell off the ledge of the balcony and we ran over to the ledge, but couldn't see her. "Lara" lord Alexei pushed us into three of his guards, as they held us, and he knelt onto the ledge, staring down the cliff.

"Lord James!" he suddenly shouts as he stands up determinedly, "what is it?" lord James asks him, and he turns to face everyone. I couldn't read emotions well, but I knew that look. Anger and sadness. "These three are to be taken as prisoners." Lord Alexei orders as the three guards holding Wesley, Simon and I dragged us off the balcony and down the stair well.

"Anthony" Wesley whispers over to me, and I look at him. "Is Lara.." he whispers, and I felt tears coming to my eyes. She couldn't just be dead, she had to be alive, she's Lara..but she is still human. No matter how much she proves that she is more. "I think so.." I whisper and Simon started all out sobbing. "Shut up!" the guard holding Simon yells, just as we walked out of the monastery. "Take them to the ship." I hear lord James order from behind us, and I couldn't stop the tears falling down my cheeks.

She was gone.


The moment I felt the bad feeling in my head, I knew something was wrong. Especially, when Kūki came flying back to the monastery. Something bad happened.

I ran past everyone, even my fellow elders as I ran towards Kūki, offering him my arm, as he landed gracefully, cawing in despair. "What happened? Where's Lara" I ask him, but by the tear that fell from his eyes, I knew. And I couldn't stop myself from breaking down, as I fell to my knees.

"She is no longer in this world" I hear Yoshi say sadly from behind me. I nodded. "She will need assistance, Kenzou." he says to me, and I nod my head. "We have a duty now, to send Kūki to her, as her guide. While we head out to find, Reo, lord Alexei, and lord James. She will return when the time comes" he says and I nodded.

She would come back.

Remember, she comes back.

"Come now Kenzou, we must send Kūki to her quickly. Before he finds her." he says as he has me stand up, and follow him to the library, so we could find the book that would send Kuki into the spirit realm after Lara.


I couldn't believe that I was feeling no pain, as my eyes slowly opened, but I had to close them so they would adjust to the light. The sun was shining bright, which was odd, because It was the evening when we arrived at the temple.

But when I looked around, I didn't think I was at the temple anymore.

I was surrounded by trees like those from the forest, but they almost felt different, like they were calm, at ease. "Simon! Wesley! Anthony" I shout as I spinned around slowly, when suddenly everything hit me.

I had fell.

I had fallen off a clif. A high cliff!

Was I dead? I must be, because why else would these plants be here, yet the boys are not, and they seem calmer than they did on the island.

But that could be because they weren't naturally in their home.

Just like me.

When everything hit me, I felt like crying, as I walked through the jungle, but when I bent by a stream, I looked like a normal person, but it seemed like I had more of a glow to me.

I really was dead.

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