Ch. 1: So It Begins

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*The above cover art was made by @SweetestSilence*

Chapter 1


*Lucy's P.O.V.*

YEAR X784 

I pull my dress skirts up in annoyance, huffing at the tedious weight of it that seems to always make me drag my feet and pant from having my body pitted against gravity's pull. Sometimes I wish I could dress normally like other people can, but I've asked many times before, and have only ever gotten a flat-out "no" from my father. If I keep pressing the issue, he'll just scold me and tell me that my exertion is only because I need to eat less. Then he'd probably yell at me for being too heavy to be a bride...

Whatever. I don't want to marry anyone anyways.

I sit down on my bedside, loafing about with no purpose or activity to keep myself entertained. Basically what I do every day of my life, where the most interest thing I can possibly do is touch the ruffles of my pink dress and maybe count down how many times the housemaids and butlers come in to ask how I'm doing. 

The dress I'm wearing not only has annoying ruffles, but extravagant bows and many layers of satin clothing over the petticoat below the skirt. My cleavage is slightly visible and the sleeves of the upper part of the dress only reach halfway to my wrist, comfy and snug like the perfect bun that has been tied at the back of my head by a pink scrunchie.

My dreary gaze lands on a picture by my bed, one of me as a little smiling girl with my father and my mother standing on either side of me. A picture taken before my mother had passed away...

Underneath the picture are the keys my mother left for me. The keys a Celestial Wizard uses to open the gates for celestial spirits to pass into our world.

It's always been my dream to become a professional celestial wizard and to join the magicians guild in Magnolia called Fairy Tail. One that I'd been dreaming of for the last six years of my life... A dream I plan to achieve as soon as I possibly can.

I will do anything to join... and that includes disobeying my father for the first time in a very long time.


*Alaska's P.O.V.*

I feel every bump and crack of the sidewalk under my skateboard as I cruise the streets of San Francisco, the blazing sun that is burning my shoulders not getting any further from me no matter how many times I push away from the sidewalk.

My black converse are planted firmly on the sandpaper-like surface of my form of transportation, even though it seems like I'd be prone to falling at any given moment. Inside my right ear is a single black earphone, blaring the song Teenagers by My Chemical Romance from the sleek smartphone that peeks out of my red sweatshirt pocket. My usual hairstyle is having my long jet black hair tied up in a ponytail, but today I settle to display a messy bun instead. As my chlorine eyes focus on the path ahead of me to make sure I don't do anything along the lines of falling and/or crashing, I push a shorter than usual lock of my hair behind the ear with my earphone in. On my hips are a pair of black shorts and a panda car-belt from Hot Topic, the metallic buckle glinting with the afternoon sunlight that hits it.

I pass a group of familiar boys at a park, all of them clearly in baseball formation as they get their gear and portable plates set up for a game. When they see me, they call out and started to wave their arms to get my attention, making me roll my eyes and shake my head 'not today' at them. They know who I am... And they probably just want to arm wrestle me again in hopes to regain their male pride after I took them down one by one last week in a challenge. Pshh, stupid male humans...

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