Angel's Challenge (TEMPE5T 1, Tier 1)

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(Altay runs off downtown into "Nu Fangz" land where he continues his ruin of terror. And of course, that means the gateway driver for the "Nu Fangz" crew is going to help you prepare for the Altay showdown.)

(Through out the 25 races, Angel will assist you in getting your car ready.)

(Like Amelia's Challenge, you have to pick a T1 car for the challenge. And you're not allowed to change it without paying a fee with gold.)

(The car I used for this challenge was as followed:

-Car: Ford Fiesta ST (1*)
-PP: 349
-Evo+: +624
-Upgrades: 35/35 (MAXED)
-Fusion parts: 27/27 (MAXED)

-Nos: 204 by 3.9
-Final Drive: 3.05
-Tires: 20 by 80

Ticket Times:
-Dyno: 12.319s (1/4 mile)

(As you should already know, Tier 1 cars don't require stage 6 parts. So there isn't much work to build it up. It takes roughly $200,000 to build up a Tier 1 car.)

(Here's what I have for the race against Angel to win her car:

-Car: Angel's Honda Civic 1.5 VTEC (P 3*)
-Ticket Time: 12.300s (1/4 mile)

(Yes, I know that the dyno times isn't fast enough. But believe me, this works. It just takes some shift practice.)

CSR Racing 2 (Tips, Tricks and Crew Times) [TEMPE5T 1] (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now