chapter three

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You woke up at 3 a.m. in a cold sweat, darkness surrounding you. You sighed, biting your bottom lip and rolled off your mattress and onto the floor. You laid on the floor for a few minutes, face down. You got up off the floor and unplugged your phone from the charger. Your phone was fully charged and ready to accompany you on a quick run to tire yourself.

You turned the lights on and searched your dresser for a pair of leggings and a black hoodie. As soon as you got a pair of shoes on, you were out the door. And 15 minutes later you were convinced this was the worst idea you've ever had, hurled over, hands on your knees, and gasping for air like a dog. Your heart pounded in your chest as you wiped the sweat off your forehead. Man, you were out of shape. But there was no shame in that, it's perfectly understandable during such a time as this. Perhaps walking was best for you. 

You should have brought a water bottle, your throat was parched and you laughed out loud due to your own stupidity. 

Time passed quickly and you found yourself wandering the streets of the Southside, humming your favorite song. 

"What the hell are you doing?" 

You jumped, startled by the voice, and turned around. "Oh, Sweet Pea, it's just you," you laughed awkwardly, but it sounded more like you were coughing, "You scared me." You took a deep breath and exhaled. He was silent, watching you. "I always seem to run into you wherever I go." 

"You can't be running around here this late, Y/N, you need to go home." 

"I left for a reason, and I would not be out here if I cared for my safety. And if I don't care, neither should you, and besides, we barely even know each other so you shouldn't care anyway."



He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head, smiling. 

"Would you like to join me?"

He shrugged so you kept walking, he followed you even though you didn't know where you were going. The two of you came across a small, worn down park and sat on a bench underneath a street lamp. The silence carried on and the tension increased.

"Why were you up this late," you questioned him, not daring enough to make eye contact so you looked forward into the dark nothingness. 

"I was at a party, but I didn't feel like bein' there no more so I started walking home 'n ran into you. What about you, kitten?" 

The nickname sent shocks throughout your body and your stomach was swarmed with butterflies, you thanked the Heavens it was dark out because he would've seen you blushing. "I-uh- I couldn't sleep, nothing new, ya know?" 


"I'm not sure. Maybe it's because I'm subconsciously afraid that if I fall asleep I might not wake up. Or I might wake up nearly beaten to death." You cleared your throat, "Wow.. that got deep. I didn't even mean for that to happen."

"Your dad.. does he, you know.." Sweet Pea didn't finish his sentence, probably for the best. You figured the shame was unbearable, he did call you a disgrace and go on about how amazing your dead-beat dad was after beating the shit out of you.

"Yes, but it doesn't matter. It's not even that bad, I swear." 

"I'm sorry I said those things to you 'n came onto you your first day here. I acted too quickly on my feelings and the things I've seen, but I won't do it again. I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted." You smiled real big and looked at him and he looked at you and chuckled. 

"I think you should tell someone about your dad, Y/N. It's becoming obvious to all of us that he isn't the man we all thought he was. You deserve so much more than this. I'll help you, alright?"

"Alright, thank you, but not yet."

The silence returned and you leaned back on the bench, tired. You brought your hands up to your face to cover your mouth and yawned. Fuck, you were so tired you didn't think you'd make it back to the apartment before dawn. 

"I want you to join the Serpents." Sweet Pea broke the silence with a heart-stopping statement.

"What? Why?"

"I want everyone to know you're not a threat and.. I bet you'd look hot in the jacket too." He licked his lips and turned to you which triggered a switch in you. You closed your eyes and stood up, causing him to stand up. "What? Should I have not said that?" 

You went in front of him, pushed him back down on the bench and got on his lap before kissing him with all the energy you had left. You buried both of  your hands in his dark, silky hair and he placed his hands on either side of your waist, kissing you back furiously. 

a/n: I'm really sorry this chapter is so short and it's really poorly written, I just really need to get back into my groove, ya know? I hope you've all been doing well, I've been doing btter and I'm not as stressed as I was before. I'm excited to start high school n my turtle's birthday is tomorrow which is really exciting. She's turning 1, I think. I don't know her actual birth date, but she's somewhere near 1 so.. i have most of the next chapter planned out, I just need to actually write it, it will probably be up in a few days, but we all know how bad I am at keeping my promises so who knows.. anyway, have a good day n enjoy this dweeb shit lol <3

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