Chapter 20-You Again?

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A/N- I'M BAAAAACCCCKKKKKKKKKK! Who missed meh? No one? Okay, I'll go to the corner and cry myself to sleep.

ANNNNYYYYYWAAAYYYYYYY, I'm sorry about that cliffhanger and being gone for a week, but camp is the only place I can get away from my parents constantly yelling at me. I made so many new friends and I got to see some of my old friends! It was fun but there were some... Problems.... Let's just stick with that.

Let's just get back to the story.....


That voice did not, I repeat, did NOT, sound good to me. It sounded like a girl that could get what ever she wanted. That was a voice that would drive me to the edge. I slowly turned around to find a blonde caked with make up. She had what looked to be a fake tan, fake hair, fake nails, fake eyelashes, and fake boobs.

"So you're Alysa?" She said it again, but with disgust in her voice this time.

"Yes, I am. And who might you be?"

"Your worst nightmare." Yeah, okay Little Miss Crazy Bitch.

"Does this 'nightmare' have a name?"

"Oh, she does. But she feels that that's confidential information."

"Uhm, okay." I started walking away, but she grabbed onto my arm and yanked it.

"Don't walk away from me bitch." She snarled at me.

"Excuse me, but who gave you the right to call me a bitch? Have you heard the way you're talking to me? No? Well then I suggest you get yourself some hearing aids."

"Oh really now? I bet you you've already slept with all of the guys you fucking slut!" I started at her with disbelief in my eyes.

"Oh just shut the hell up already! No one cares!" I just noticed that everyone in the room was staring at us.

The boys were staring at me and this "Barbie." And that wasn't because she was pretty, it was because she was so fake that Barbie would be jealous of her.

"Marissa?" Louis was shocked.

"Who the fuck let you in here?!" Niall exclaimed.

"What's she doing here?" Zayn looked, and sounded, disgusted.

"Get the fuck out of here, Marissa!" Harry yelled.

"Who... What... Huh... Why... What.. Are you doing... Here?" Liam stuttered out of shock.

"Yep. I'm back bitches!" She looked way too overconfident. "How do you like me now?" She was being really cocky. I just wanted to punch her in the face and ruin her nose job. It usually takes a lot for me to want to hurt someone. Usually I was really chill and would brush things off, but this, this was way over the top. I felt like murdering someone right now. "Stay away from my man and we won't have a problem, bitch."

"And what happens if I don't?" I countered her.

"You don't want to know." She smirked, and with that, walked away. All the girls started whispering amongst themselves while I started at the wall, frozen. All the guys walked over to me and hugged me. They whispered encouraging words to me. I hugged them back and thanked them. They went back to the VIPs.

"Uh.. Alysa?" I looked up at the girl that approached me. She looked so familiar, but I couldn't put a name to the face.

"Wait, Celeste? Oh my God, Celeste! How have you been! It's been, what, like, 15 years?"

"Yeah, I can't believe it's actually you!" I was so happy to see my best friend  from before I moved to the states.

"It's so nice to see you again considering we lost touch. I can't believe we're meeting at a One Direction concert."

"It's so crazy seeing you after all these years. And look at you now! You're absolutely stunning!" I blushed because compliments embarassed me.

"Thanks. But look who's talking. You're so gosh darn gorgeous. Sorry, my American slang is coming out."

"Oh no, it's fine. But you should definitely give me your number so we can keep in touch!" We exchanged iPhone's and put our information in each others phone.

"So what are you doing in Dublin?" I was curious because she was from Wolverhampton.

"My dad was visiting some friends and a long time ago asked if I wanted to go to the concert." I always loved her dad. Celeste's dad was her rock since her mom died when she was 2 years old.

"That's great! How is your dad anyway?" I wanted to catch up with her as much as possible today.

"Oh he's doing fine. We moved to London and now he's one of the surgeons at the hospital, and he has a new wife. Her name is Colleen, she's Irish, and she's so nice and everything I could want in a mom." It was nice to see that she was happy.

"That's fantastic. I want to see your dad sometime. The boys have 3 more concerts here, and then Niall's going to visit his family for several days. We should meet up sometime then."

"That would be amazing! I guess it's time for me to go now. I'll text you soon! Okay?"

"Yeah, whenever you can! I missed you Celeste!" I hugged her and she left with the rest of the VIPs.

We walked back onto the bus where I got first shower and jumped into bed. I passed out within several minutes.


Sorry it's like extremely short! I don't really know why, but since I got back from camp on Saturday I wasn't really in the mood to write. I pretty much took a shower and slept for two days! Yep, I have an exciting life.

Well, guys, thanks for the 6,000+ reads! I'm excstatic! Really, I really am! Well, I wanna sleep so....

Vote/comment/fan (:

And btw, WMYB just came on the radio and Up All Night was on yesterday<3

Follow muah on Twitter! @Horan_for_life

Bye my lovelies! I love you all!

xx, Emily

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