Junior year

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Its junior year at Trevor High School. 2nd semester has started, me and kyle have been hanging out al lot since david is with his gf but we all hang oot together when they have band practice and that is everyday after school. [ imma spend writing about them when their out of school in their hangout ] Were all at davids house in his garage even vanity. I roll my eyes everytime she flirts with kyle. " imma go get a drink " kyle said while going in the kitchen " Oh me too im thirsty. " vanity said also . david comes sits next to me on the couch and puts his arm around my shoulder. " So are you and kyle dating ? " he asked . i blushed and looked away i nodded yes. he looked mad. " he's my friend and in my band but i just dont ... trust him . i mean im afraid if he hurts you. " there was a silece for asecond until kyle and vanity came back. " You guys wanna go out and party? " kyle asked smirking. " Hell yeah why the fuck not its Friday ! " david shouted. i started laughing. " Im in." vanity said. They all looked at me to answer. " Nah you guys go." i answered. Kyle went up to me,wrapped his hands around my face and pulled me in close to him so david can see. " come on i want to show you off, your beautiful and we'll have fun i promise." kyle said.and kissed my cheek. "... okay then haha' ." i said smiling. we all went to our own house to get ready. and when i got home as always my mother isnt here . i thought she'd be back from London . i ran to my room to get all dolled up . when i finished i went in a cab . i have my own car but i dont know if ill get drunk. i got to the club where kyle texted me the adress. i walked in with a really tight short black strapless dress and on the back it had a corset looking strap and showend my curves and you could even see half of my breasts and really cute black heels to match and my hair was curly . i saw david and kyle looking all surprised and vanity rolling her eyes she was wearing her red tube top showing her breasts and a really black tiny short skirt showing half of her ass and red heels and her hair straightened. " You my dear look amazing" kyle said kissing the top of my hand and then kissed my cheek and pulled me to sit down on his lap. i blushed hard. " thanks" i smiled. " Oh my . girl we should talk " vanity said smirking. david couldnt keep his eyes off of me he was speechless. " oh.. okay " i said. So we walked away from the table and she put her hand on her waist looking mad she started to speak. " Dont you dare try to steal my boyfriend! with your whorish looks i mean trying to impress him wearing a tight short dress looking different and showing your body and youur breasts.. hunny look at you. he wouldnt even dare to ask you out so get the fact that he does Not like YOU! after all your just a friend thats always gonna be there for him." i looked up trying hard not to cry i got mad and my mouth just started to slip out some words. " well what is up with you trying to flirt with kyle ?!!? you shouldnt even be going out with david. he's loyal and kind and your just Fucking around with any other guy being a slut like you really are. and trying to fuck kyle too ! well you know what im tired of your bullshit and your whorish self. " she looked furious and then out of no where she slapped me . causing the whole club to watch. kyle and david ran up to the front of the crowd and saw us . " You bitch. dont call me a whore!" she yelled.

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