6| Sing.

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(A/n: thank you guys for being so patient  with me, I know it took me forever to get this chapter up ENJOY)

Music: Voices (by Motionless In White) (have Y'all seen the music video? it's amazing though, unfortunately, Ghost left the band )

*it starts off with everyone over at Ricky's place talking about what they're supposed to do now that Roger just "left" the band without any warning and then they hear Chris singing in the shower (not knowing they're there) and they all confront him and beg him to be the singer and he's hesitant but gives in*

*Ricky's POV*

        Chris was right, I am a monster. But I couldn't think about that right now with Ghost and Josh staring me down in nervousness. A steady stream of pitter-pattering was the only thing keeping the room from falling into dead silence. Dead. Something Roger could be right now and there was no way for me to know. I didn't feel his face heal completely, I knew that for sure because he was still screaming. 

        "What are we supposed to do now? He didn't even fuckin call us to tell us he's leaving!" Josh ran his fingers frustratedly over his tattooed scalp.

       "What are we supposed to do about our gig on Saturday?" Ghost chimed in.

       " No one has even heard from him in like the last three days! It's fuckin ridiculous." 

        "What are we supposed to do about a singer, Rick?" 

          I wish I had answers. I wish I could come up with a quick and logical solution right this instant. I wish I hadn't caused this mess to begin with. But here we were, singerless and just a few days before a big gig of ours; a gig that could really get us going as a band. I fucked it all up. "None of us can sing except you, but we need you on guitar." All of their words were overwhelming me, swarming in my head like a group of angry wasps stinging me with guilt. I was lost in the uncontrollable blame and hatred towards myself until my mind wandered to the soft stream of water muffled by the bathroom door. 

        And then an idea popped into my head.

       "Chris can sing." I blurted out. They shut up immediately. I knew Chris and I weren't on the best terms right now and he'd hate my guts for getting him involved in my drama again, but I needed him and I hoped he knew how much this band means to me. "I hear him singing in the shower all the time and he's really good, plus he practically knows all the songs anwyays." My gut was twisting at the impending doom that i'd have to ask Chris to be our singer. 

          If you asked me, I was perfectly fine with leaving Chris alone until he was ready to talk to me again, but it seems like i don't have much time to dwell on my stubbornness this time. My heard clenched at the thought of Chris not talking to me, but what i did was.... unspeakable.

        "You have to get him to join, we have no other options." Josh insisted, his hands twistng over one another in anxiousness.

         "I dont know if he'll go for it... He's not exactly a people person..." I shook my head, looking down at the floor. A faded blood spot was still stained into the carpet, washed away just enough so that it wasn't noticable, but just visible enough to torment me. It was from the night of my interaction with Roger, but it wasn't my blood. It must've been Chris's, he was injured the most by running from the police that night. It was my fault.

         I just hoped that he wouldn't hold any of this against me and would join the band. I hoped he'd forgive me. 

        The shower water clicked off. Here goes nothing I guess...


Kinda just a filler chapter as of now because i was having writers block for the longest time, but hopefully the next chapter will be up faster and will be better written and more exciting for you guys!

But as of now, you know the deal: comment predictions, reactions, questions (id be happy to answer them!), suggestions, etc

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