A Ultra Remeet

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" YES!" yelled Ash, excitedness filling his intestines. "Ash! Calm down. Your surely distracting the driver" Ash's mom said, looking at Ash and pointing to the driver of the tauros pulling the cart they were riding in. "Sorry mom", Ash said. The driver laughed. "No need to feel so guilty apon your mom. Your fine. Just... no yelling, Ok".  "Ok" said Ash. There were so many activities to do in Alola. But Ash's mom was more interested in the berries at the little Pokemart. Ash walked around looking for something to do. He saw a rustling spot in the dirt nearby. Ash saw a little Pokemon with a white and tan body. A light brown stripe wrung around it's neck. "Cool" yelled Ash and startled the Pokemon. He ran after it as it dug farther away from the Pokemart, and into the woods. "Come on, little Pokemon" said Ash soothingly as he scooted toward it. It stopped, but just for a second before it  dashed away. Ash didn't have time to complain before he was mesmerized by a giant building in front of him. He was speechless.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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