Part One - Valentines Day

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I just wanted to thank Lawlightislife for this idea before I start working on this most-likely terrible story. It's just for fun, and it won't be my best by any stretch, but the idea was interesting and, well, you know me, I'm a sucker for yanderes. I couldn't pass up the idea!

She'll most likely make one as well, so check it out! Since her characters are usually more Tsundere-ish, I made mine an innocent little Deredere, which I've never really done before. This whole story is just one big experiment, I guess.

I hope you like it, Nikki! (Sorry, but this is an X Reader, so I didn't name the main character after you. Hopefully you still enjoy reading it XD)

- Mello's POV -

I fell in love with her after just a couple of days of knowing her. She wasn't very talkative, so I didn't notice her until the day I saw her hanging out with my best friend, Matt. Apparently they were childhood friends, and she had been going to our school for years. How did I not notice this gorgeous princess the day she first walked into school?

I had never felt this way towards anyone, and it was new and exciting to feel my heart race when she talked to me. Matt knew about my crush on her, and he told me that he liked her, too. This made things awkward between us for a while, but we eventually came to an agreement.

We both hung out with her equal amounts, and we both made sure not to confess our feeling until the right moment, when we could do it together.

"Here you go, happy valentines day, Mello!" She said, snapping me out of my day. In her hands, she held a chocolate bar with a red ribbon tied around it. She knew me so well.

"Thank you," I said, my face turning pink. "What...what did you get for Matt?"

"Chocolate, same as you. I don't want to show favoritism, you know." She sat down next to me, and I felt my heart beat pick up in speed. "Say...would you mind letting me have a bite, please? I know you get possessive over your chocolate, and it's alright if you say no."

"Of course you can. You can have my chocolate whenever you want."

She smiled, and kissed my heated cheek. "You're so sweet, Mells. Oh, Matt's here!" She gasped, looking over my shoulder. "Hey, come sit with us!"

My brunette friend looked up from his game, his cheeks also pink with embarrassment. She had that affect on us, whether she knew it or not.

I exchanged glances with Matt, and he gave me a slight nod in answer to my unasked question. I pulled out a small container of chloroform from my pocket (don't ask where he got it, it's a plot hole). She was currently talking to Matt, her hands motioning excitedly as she told him about her adventure at the store where she bought our valentines day presents.

I'm so sorry, princess, but I have to do this.

- Your POV -

My head was spinning and my vision was blurry. Am I sick? What happened to me? Wasn't I just hanging out with Mello and Matt in the basement? Why...why are my wrists chained up?!

I pulled on my restraints, panic flaring up inside of me. Had I been kidnapped? In my frightened state, I did the only thing I could think of doing. I called for my two best friends, the ones I cared for more than anything. "Mello! Matt!" I screamed, and I heard a snicker from my right.

I jumped in my seat, my breath getting caught in my throat. The room I was in was pitch black. I thought that I was alone in here.

"Look who finally woke up!" A familiar male voice said, this one from my left. Wait, there was more than one? What did they want with me?

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