𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝓘𝓽 𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓭

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Ok, ok, Okay!!! I know y'all probably be hate me because I have updated this book 20 times now I get it. But I'm for real this time y'all. Plus college got me bent right now so just let me have this. 😭😭😭😭 And yes I still left the old disclaimer😐.

**So let me get straight to the point this my first book so don't judge. Enjoy😍**

(March 30th 2018)

'A new start' I thought as I got comfortable in my seat. I'm am currently on a one way flight to L.A and away from Denver. Basically my life here in Colorado was so fucked, that now I will be staying with my Auntie- that I have never met mind you. I'm just glad I don't have to put up with my mom and my stepdad anymore, at the end of the day anywhere is better than here.

Let me explain a little bit about my life. I was born January 18th 2001 in Denver Colorado, I grew up not knowing who my father was. My mom liked to do drugs, get drunk, and beat me. In that order. When I was 10 she got a partner to help her with that. Marvin Parker. At first he was cool then just like her he started beating me. I always thought 'why not just run away?' But then I also thought 'where the hell would I go?' So I just put that thought to the back of my mind when I was 13 was when he first started to rape me. This first 3 times he did I was so terrified, and I felt so useless. But by the 4th time I was used to it. Sad I know.
When I was 15 he impregnated me and then paid for me to get an abortion. I was so sick for about two weeks. And then after I recovered it was back to the same routine of either getting beat, or getting raped. I learned to deal with it up until three weeks ago when Moses told me that one of his friends were willing to pay him to sleep with me.

That was the most dirtiest thing I've ever heard. I just wanted to die. That's when I realize I needed to get out of there. So I somehow got into my mom's Facebook account and went through her friends list. And I came across someone that it look like I knew, which was my auntie she sent me some money for a ticket and here I am now. About to start my new life.

As soon as I got comfortable I turned some music on and thought about how I was finally gonna be able to be happy and not scared. Hopefully I'll be more safe here. I'll probably even meet my biological father.

After 14 hours go by I had fell asleep but was awoken by a fine ass boy. Honestly sleeping was one of the many things I was not used to doing back at home. Well at least not at peace that is.

"Is this your stop?" He asked. he had a husky voice, his arms and his neck was covered in tattoos, and he was light skinned.

 he had a husky voice, his arms and his neck was covered in tattoos, and he was light skinned

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"Depends are we in L.A.?" I replied while yawning.

"Yeah."  He said with a smile spreading across his face.

"Then yeah" I said getting up and   stretching before gathering my belongings.

"You need some help?" He ask politely.

"Ummm yeah sure." I said with a smile. See already receiving random acts of Kindness.

I got off the plane and remembered I had no damn way to my auntie's house. I'm thinking she was at work so that's why I couldn't get through to her at the moment.

"You need a ride ma" I heard out of nowhere, and I turned around to see that stranger that woke me up.

"First of all I don't know who the hell you are, and  second of all you don't know who I am." I snapped at him. Talking about some 'ma'. Boy bye, I'm too jet lagged for this.

"First of all my name is Chris, Chris Brown, and second of all my bad." He threw his hands up in surrender. "What is your name, If you don't mind me asking?" He questioned calmly.

I took a deep breath before responding. I wasn't expecting my first interaction out here to be with a boy. "Imani." I spoke lowly.

"Ok do you need, or would you like a ride Imani?" He asked me.

I mean well if I die, he'll be a very beautiful view to see last. Okay don't judge me, I've been through a lot. "Yea." I shrugged.


The car ride was quiet at first. So far California has a beautiful view from basically anywhere. The night air is so refreshing. I was just taking in this freedom that I never knew I could have access to. "So what brings you to LAX?" Chris asked deciding to break the ice.

"I'm moving in with my auntie" I said sitting up in my seat.

"Oh, cool." he said sounding interested.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Oh this is my home, I live out here." he said happily.

"Oh I see so you were out of town" I nodded.

"Yeah." He chuckled as he pulled up to my aunt's house.

"So Imani can I have your number, maybe. You beautiful as hell, and I would love to be your first friend out here." He asked as he opened my door.

"Why not." I said putting my hand out waiting for his phone.

After I gave him my number I walked up to the door got the key from under the mat. I waved Chris goodbye. Almost 10 minutes after I walked in my aunt did as well. She quickly showed me to my room and welcome me home. She doesn't know how much I am thankful for her. For giving me a chance.

And my room...

All ima say is, ya girl sleeping good the rest of night

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All ima say is, ya girl sleeping good the rest of night.

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