Chapter 1: Taken

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December 12th, 8:30 pm

        Nine- year old Jake Smith was playing with his toys when heard some laughing coming from outside of his room. Jake then stood up from his floor and walked over to his window. Jake then opened his window and looked outside. Jake found nothing but the street outside and a lady walking her little dog down the sidewalk. Jake just shrugged his shoulders and closed the window. As Jake went back over to his toys, he heard something go bump on his roof. Jake then looked up at the ceiling hearing someone walking on the roof. Jake then heard something go crash in his attic. "Jake!" said his mother from the doorway of his room.

"Mommy!" Jake said as he ran over to her and hugged her. "Sweetie what's the matter?" his mother asked. "There's a monster in the attic!" Jake replied. His mother then sighed and rolled her eyes. "Jake I thought we talked about this?" his mother said as she picked up her son and place him in his bed. "But mommy I heard something up there," Jake pleaded. His mother then shook her head and then kissed him on the head. "Jake there is no such things as monsters. The only monster here is Mr. Cookie Monster," his mother said as she placed Cookie Monster next to her son. "Oh okay," Jake said as he held Cookie next to him. "He'll protect you. I promise you," his mother said as she kissed him on the head once more before leaving him. "Goodnight mommy!" Jake said with a smile. "Goodnight sweetheart," His mother said before closing his door.

Jake took a deep breath before turning on his side and closing his eyes to sleep. After only an hour later Jake heard something go bump from his closet. Jake jerked awake and looked to his closet. In Jake's closet was the door to the attic, Jake then took his blankets off and took Cookie with him over to the closet door. "He'll protect you. I promise," Jake heard his mother's voice in his head as he opened the door to his closet. Jake looked around the closet and found nothing. "I guess it was nothing," Jake said as he held Cookie close to him. "Jake..." said a voice from above. Jake felt the hairs on the back of his neck all stand up as slowly looked up at the attic door. Before Jake could scream or even run, two green hairy arms and hands grabbed Jake and took into the attic without a sound. Suddenly Jake's Cookie Monster fell from the attic with blood all over the stuffed animal.

(The Next Morning)

Thomas jerked awake as his alarm went off on the side of the bed. Thomas yawned and then turned it off. Thomas then rubbed his eyes before getting up. Thomas went into his bathroom and took a shower and then got ready for school. Before Thomas left his room he saw that Kodi was laying down with his puppies. "Looks like Dusty is walking me to school this time," Thomas said in his head as he walked out of his room. As Thomas walked downstairs he met up with Dusty in the kitchen. "So it's your turn huh?" Thomas said with a smile as he opened the fridge. Dusty chuckled as she looked at Thomas. "Yep it's me today," Dusty said with a smile. Thomas just grabbed some water and closed the fridge door. "You ready?" Thomas asked as he took a drink of his water.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Dusty said with another smile. "Alright let's go," Thomas said as he grabbed his backpack and through the living room. Thomas noticed that Berry was sleeping on the couch with some drool on the pillow. Thomas chuckled before he and Dusty walked out of the house. "So Dusty I'm guessing Kodi is a little tired," Thomas said with a smile as he and Dusty walked along. Dusty chuckled as she looked up at Thomas. "Well being a dad does that to you," Dusty replied as they continued to walk along. Thomas chuckled, "I guess it does." Thomas said as he looked down at Dusty. After a while of talking and walking. Thomas and Dusty noticed some red and blue lights coming from the road ahead. "Hey. I wonder what's going on here?" Thomas said as he and Dusty started to walk closer to the house with the cop cars.

"I know who lives there," Dusty spoke as she and Thomas stood outside on the sidewalk with everyone else who got out of their homes to see what was going on. "Really? Who lives here?" Thomas said as he looked down at Dusty. "My ex-boyfriend Ralph," Dusty replied. Thomas was a little shocked to hear this. "You had an ex-boyfriend?" Thomas still looking at Dusty. "Yeah... let's just say he wasn't the best of boyfriends." Dusty now looking up at Thomas. "No! I'm telling you! It wasn't the dog that did this!" Mrs. Smith shouted with tears rolling down her face. "Ma'am, are you sure that your dog did not claw out your son's eyes?" The officer asked calmly. "Yes!" Mrs. Smith cried out loud. "If I know one thing about Ralph. Is that he's not a killer," Dusty while shaking her head.

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