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Okay I know I promised more memes but first, my class is watching a show called Liberty Kids and....

I absolutely love it, the theme song is cathcy, and I'm just so wierd that I love that show.

So I binge watched it and found an episode about Hamilton and he is so cute.

If you watched this thx for wasting twenty eight minutes of your life.

Also I was in class today, having free choice and I went to a gaming site, blah blah and blah, when an ad popped up. I saw the name Lin so I read the ad it said,

You can win a prize it have an in with Lin.

I investigated further and found this,


If you scroll down, not to far you will see what I found, you have to be 13 or older to enter and have to have permission from someone 18 and older.

The two winners get to pick a friend, I think, and go to Washington DC to watch the show, go backstage, meet Lin and be in his squad, stay at a hotel with him, I think, for two days and eat at fancy restaurants.

Your welcome for letting you know. Today is the 23rd of May (when I published this) the entering ends on the 31st. If you want to know more go to the website and read the rules and information.

Be my guest.

Hamilton Memes Cuz Why Not{Complete}Where stories live. Discover now