chapter 2 the runaway girls

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~~~~your pov~~~~

We kept running and panting "bliss are you sure you want to continue running my legs are tired..." shirayuki said exhausted "I'll carry you no matter what we are getting away from that prince! I'll make sure he doesn't touch my best friend he wanted your hair he already has a shred of it he isn't getting you!" I said determined "b-bliss that's...are you sure?" shirayuki said worried "I have never lied and I will never start" I said I as I bent down so  shirayuki could get on my back and she got on and I continued walking and she finally fell asleep and we stopped at the brick house I put her down and gave her a small smile and I pulled out my Blanket and covered her up and sat in the shady corner and finally fell asleep after watching shirayuki sleep for a while and I woke up at three because of the reoccurring nightmares that won't stop or go away and I get up and shirayuki was fast asleep I felt something wet go down my face and I felt it and they were tears I felt so miserable that I didn't tell shirayuki this but I never liked to worry her I'd do anything to make her smile her smile is what keeps me moving on...i was only 3 when I met her...

~~~flash back your pov~~~

I sat outside crying I had no friends to talk to or anyone to comfort me so I was rude and mean I never liked talking until a girl with pretty rose like hair came over "hey are you okay? You seem sad do you need help?" the girl asked worried I stared at her Amazed that she wouldn't say a single bad thing to me "what's your name? " the girl asked as she sat down next to me "i-im bliss... " I said as if I was ashamed of my name "well bliss I'm shirayuki" the girl said smiling as I had my hood over my head "your hair is lovely shirayuki" I said kindly and gently smiling seeing as there was someone in tanbarun who doesn't hate me I started crying again "W-wait why are you crying?! " the girl asked worried she might have said something "I'm crying because I'm happy" I said smiling and I hugged her as my hood fell and she gasped "bliss. Your hair is amazing!!! " she nearly yelled so happy she wasn't the only one with different colored hair "really? People don't really mention my hair because I keep it covered but thanks! It means alot! " I said so happy I finally found a friend

~~~end of the flashback your pov~~~

I smiled and looked at the stars we lived with each other we treated each other like sisters we have never fought before and that's when suddenly I was grabbed and my mouth was covered as I listened to 2 people talking as I tried getting loose "she is the one with the purple hair! We will get so much money for completing this job! " one girl said "yes now Shhh the costumer only wanted the purple haired girl so let's go before we wake up the red head" a man said and they started walking and my mouth was covered by fabric and my hands were tied together as I tried saying "let me go!" but it only sounded muffled and the girl understood me "sorry purple we can't we need the money" I started crying as I was worried about shirayuki we have never been apart and I started crying and then a guy appear in front the the girl "obi!!! Your not wanted around here" I tried saying something but the man covered the fabric that covered my mouth "you shouldnt trade people you know it's wrong find another job that doesn't require people trading" I looked shocked that there was a guy who actually was nice "well sorry to disappoint obi we need the money" the man said the one named obi sighed "listen we can do this the easy way or the hard way" obi said and they girl went to tackle obi and he pushed her into a tree and the man ran with me as I tried screaming but it was muffled and obi ran after me and grabbed me and held me close to him as he owned me I didn't mind because he just saved my life from being traded "now go" obi said firmly and the Two left and obi made sure I was alright "did they hurt you in any way? " I shook my head "no but thank you but I know I'm asking alot right now but could you help me find my friend please! " I nearly busted in tears it was almost daylight and we have never been apart for even 20 minutes "of course miss but please call me obi and your name is? " he said nicely and curious "my name is bliss" I said happily that he would help me "what does your friend look like?" obi asked "she has red hair that looks like a rose that lights up in the morning" I said thinking about her again worried about her "I shall look for her but in the mean time you can stay with me if you'd like. "he said kindly "yes thank you so much obi!" I hugged him and I blushed because it was my first time making physical contact with another being other than shirayuki obi hugged back happily

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