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From the day I met him he saved me.

He didn't save me from drowning, he didn't take a bullet for me, he didn't stop me from committing sucide. He gave my life purpose. He gave me something to live for. He gave me something to believe in. Something that no one else that i had ever met had taken the time to do.

He was a friend when I needed one. He was a big brother when I needed guidence. Most imporently he was there when I needed some one. He was there when I was weak. He was there when I was defeated. He was there when I was broken. He was the one person who picked me back up and gave me the courage and the strength to continue on.

He was the reason for my smile. The reason why I laughed. The reason why I lived.  And i loved him for that. I thank God for bringing him into my life because without him I don't know what I would've of done.

I thank God for Zayn Malik.

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