Chapter 3: Taken

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Elsa's POV

Me and Anna were now chatting joyously. Reminiscing the times when we were children. Like the first time we made Olaf or when I used my ice powers to play with her. Then all of a sudden, the once red and orange fire turned into a bluish color, making the room dim of light.

Anna and I were shocked and started looking at different directions. We slowly stood up, now being cautious of our surroundings.

Soon appeared a puff of black smoke in the corner of the room. My eyes slightly widened at the sight. The smoke slowly cleared out and emerged a man whom I recognised instantly.

The devious smirk was very evident on his face as he locked eyes with me. My face remained emotionless as we stared at eachother but I knew that my eyestold him otherwise. I felt fear towards him.

He scowled when he had realised I feared him. In a blink of an eye, he was in front of me as Anna and I were frozen on the spot.

I looked at Anna and found her glaring furiously at him and when I turned to look back at him again, I heard the door creak open.

"Elsa!" I heard Anna scream. But it was too late. I felt two arms wrap around me and darkness wash over me.

I awoke with a gasp and found out that I was in a moving carriage, sitting on a plush red couch.

The amount of light given by the moonlight through the window of the carriage was enough for me to see and recognise the man seated across from me.

It was Jack- no, Dark Frost. He was staring intently at me that sent shivers through my spine.

"What am I doing here?" I demanded.

"I'll explain everything, my Elsa when we get to my castle." There's that sexy voice of his again. Wait, what?

I debated with myself whether to ask him more questions or not. I finally decided not to. I somehow was acting calm about this, How could I act calm about this? What about Ann-- wait, Anna!

I instantly shot him a glare. "What happened to my sister? I swear if you did anythin--"

I was cut off immediately. "She's perfectly fine, my Elsa. I don't want anything from her. I only want you."

In a matter of seconds, he had me cornered against the couch as I sat there completely frozen. His perfectly sculpted face was barely a couple of inches from mine. His eyes also darkened with...desire.

He cupped my face with his suprisingly, warm hand. He was still looking at my eyes until they landed on my lips. I don't even know why I'm not moving. I should be pushing this man off!

"You are mine, Elsa. I want no one but you." His face was becoming closer and closer to mine. My eyes almost fluttered close when the carriage halted into a stop.

That made me come back to my senses and before I knew it, he was already standing outside, holding the door for me. The stoic and cold emotion was on his face again.

When I stepped out, all I saw was darkness. Not literally but as in, almost everybody looked dark, evil, hollow..

My eyes caught the sight of his huge castle. The word huge used for his castle was an understatement! It was almost as thrice as big than ours.

"Come." He finally uttered and I followed. What startled and shocked me was hearing Olaf's voice, "Elsa!" I turned around and saw him going down from the back compartment of the carriage and started running to me.

I welcomed Olaf with open arms and a big smile was plastered on my face. "How did you get here?" I asked while on my knees.

"I followed you through the dark cloud." He giggled as I only chuckled. I heard someone cough and both me and Olaf look at Dark Frost.

"Elsa, is he the bad man?" I chuckled at his failing attempt at whispering. "You go run while I distract him." Olaf ran to him and started talking about how he likes summer.

This only got me laughing more. Dark was now scowling. "Why aren't you escaping?" Olaf whispered once more.

"Can he please come?" I asked Dark with pleading eyes. Immediately, his eyes softened and mumbled an 'okay'.

"Olaf, listen-" Olaf turned to look at me. "-we can't actually get out of here right now. So, at the moment, we must go and follow him." I point my finger at Dark.

Yup, I'll definitely call him Dark from now on.

"Okay!" Olaf replied cheerfully. Dark started to walk and so did we.


We passed a lot of very large rooms. And most of his furnitures were made of ice. I'm sure Kristoff would love it here despite the dark atmosphere..and people.

We finally reached the highest floor of the castle and I spotted a small door.

"This is where your thing will be sleeping." Dark opened the small door I spotted. It was a small room filled with snow and ice. It was perfect for Olaf. Despite the dark coloured ceiling and walls, the snow and all made it seem less dark.

Olaf happily went inside and started playing and giggling..a lot. I closed the door and turned to him.

"What about me? Where will I stay?"

His smile caught me off guard. It was breathtaking. He usually scowls or smirks evily but this, he was really smiling genuinely but there was still a mischievous glint in his icy blue eyes. He suddenly leaned closer to my face, our noses almost touching and I almost walked back but I was trapped between him and the wall.

"You will be sleeping with me, in my room."

*End of Chapter*

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