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Tommy Ross. He was the popular guy at school. Everyone knew who he was. So why was he in a library? Because Sue. His girlfriend. He would do anything for Sue. This was everything.

(i'd like you to ask carrie to the prom)

He had been putting it off since Friday, when she asked him the question. He had asked Sue weeks ago to go with him and she of course said yes. It was now Monday, and it was time.

He and Sue had walked into the library and saw Carrie standing with a stack of books. She was reading one of them and holding all the others underneath. She looked so silly. She was a scrawny little thing, with long straight blonde hair. But he still liked her. More than Sue? No. Sue is everything.

"Go ask her," she said. They looked at her and noticed she was looking at them too. Sue left and Tommy started to walk towards Carrie. Carrie looked back down in her book.

When Tommy reached her, Carrie looked at him. She looked into his eyes. It was only for a second, but he felt as if his mind had been invaded. As if someone else was in there and was reaching around.

He felt it go away. Then he asked the question.

"Carrie, would you happen to be free this Saturday night?"

The thing happened again. Someone was searching.

(carrie carrie carrie carrie)

She just stammered, "What?"

"The prom. It's Saturday and I was thinking..." he started.

"I don't like to be tricked," she said firmly and she ran out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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