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I reached home and threw myself on the couch in the living room. Kam came down from her room already. "How was your meeting," she asked with a curious tone.
"Well all thanks to you that I was on time so it went pretty good.... and guess what I nailed it!!!!" I hugged her saying the last part almost shouting actually.
"I knew you would make it!" She said smiling and hugging me back.
"Wait wait wait wait wait.... Where are you planning to go?" I asked breaking the huge.
"Don't tell me you forgot Prags! We were supposed to go shopping aren't we!?" "Oh yes yes yes.., give me 10 mins and I'll be right back" saying this I ran upstairs.
I washed my face and put on a blue crop top, white shots and added up little makeup. I let my hair open and paired my dress with snickers and rushed downstairs grabbing my phone and my wallet.
"Wow, so fast uh!" Kam said Smirking. "Ever ready for shopping." I laughed as I said. And with that we left for the mall. We both did so much shopping that we looked dead tired and exhausted.

As if we have been running a marathon. So we decided to get ourselves something to eat.
I was walking while texting Tiksha when suddenly I bumped into someone strong.
I was about to fall so I closed my eyes but then I felt strong hands around my waist holding me close and preventing me from falling.
I opened my eyes to see who prevented me from falling. When I saw the most handsome guy in front of me.

My Pov:
"Oh god! This guy is sooo hot. Seriously! I guess I am gonna be dreaming! Holy shit!!!"
His Pov:
"I got lost in those chocolate brown eyes! They were so hypnotizing. Gosh she was beautiful."

We were staring at each other for quite a long time cause Kam cleared her throat which caused us to snap out of our thoughts.
He slowly helped me to get back on my feet. I took a chance and examined him from head to toe.

"Gosh he was hot!"

He was dressed all in black. He was wearing bandana which held back most of his hair and some of his curls fell on his forehead adding more of his hotness.
I was thanking him when Kam pulled me with her.
I was seriously pissed at her for not letting me thank her properly.
So I was walking slowly behind while she was giving me her piece of advice on how to walk properly.

When suddenly she disappeared.
Then I heard her voice from down.

"Ouch!" I looked down and saw her on top of a guy.
I called her name out. The boy stood up and offered Kam his hand which she took it blushing. It gave me a hint of the topic I am going to hear for the whole day.

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