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A/N honestly not even smut again, I know I'm sorry, this is an idea a friend of mine had and I thought it would be fun to write so pls enjoy x

Third Person POV
Archie's arrest had stirred the pot at school for a while, that was until his tantalising girlfriend Veronica Lodge managed to pull a few strings to get him out. Her father, the towns new villain, Hiram Lodge was not impressed by this. Veronica, wanting to escape the wrath of the mister and mistress of the Pembroke, decided to stay at Archie's place, under his roof, and in his bed.
Hiram Lodge, the high end mobster, was now trying to win back his daughter from the Andrews household, but his plans seemed to be failing.

Archie waltzed through the hallways with a cocky grin plastered on his pale face. Several bulldogs patting his back and bumping his fist as he made his way to his locker. Ever since Archie had been released from prison he seemed to be on top of the world, ready for any threat coming his way.

"Hey Archie, what's that on your neck?" Reggie asked with a smirk as he approached the redhead.
Archie rolled his eyes, sleeping in the same bed as Veronica had it's temptations.
"It's nothing Reg." He shrugged off, attempting to avoid an award convocation.
"Let me guess, it was a certain raven haired princess who just couldn't keep her mouth off of you last night." The bulldog raises his eyebrow as he continued to question Archie about the dark purple spot on his neck.
"Possibly." Archie simply responded.
"Hey babe, Reginald." Veronica Lodge smiled as she approached the two jocks.
"Holy shit Veronica" Reggie exclaimed, causing Veronica to give him a confused look.

"What's wrong?" She asked, unaware of the art displayed over her canvas of a neck.
"I thought Andrews over here was bad, shit Archie what were you doing, eating her?" Reggie sarcastically remarked as he observed Veronica's hickey filled neck.
"Well technically, yes" Archie mumbled to himself, but not quietly enough as both Veronica and Reggie heard.
"Ugh you boys are disgusting" Veronica rolled her eyes.
"Hey I'm not the one having a late night fuck on a Wednesday night, I mean bro that gives a new meaning to hump day, am I right?" Reggie jokes around playfully, earning himself a slight glare from Archie.

"Well I have to go if you boys will excuse me, don't choke on your own testosterone" The mafia princess quickly made an exit and headed towards the student lounge, where she knew she'd find Betty.
"Hey B" she beamed, taking a seat next to Betty, who was immersed in a convocation with Kevin.
"Hey V-"
"Oh...my...god" Kevin interrupted her, staring at Veronica's neck.
Well today would've been a good day to wear a scarf Veronica thought.
"Tell me everything" he gushed, adjusting his position slightly.
"What is there to tell Kevin" Veronica smiled innocently.
"Well you could start off with the bruises on your neck" Betty grinned.
"Oh right that, well not an interesting story really, I was horny and needed a fuck, apparently I wasn't the only one who was a little desperate, and this we have this situation of my neck looking like it's been shit several times with a paintball." Veronica explained, knowing Betty and Kevin didn't mind hearing the details.

Flashback to the night before

"Babe, I'm bored" Veronica whined as she entered Archie's bedroom.
"So?" He replied, not looking up from his phone.
"So...I was hoping you could provide me some entertainment" She purred, sitting down on his bed, wearing only a short skirt and a lightweight t shirt.
Archie turned his phone off and sat up.
"And you do you suggest I do that" he cocked an eyebrow.
"Just fuck me" Veronica blurted out, going slightly red in the cheeks.
Archie gave a low chuckle and sat up with a smile on his face.
"If you insist"

He smashed his lips into hers at once, walking no time to force his tongue into her mouth. She swung her leg over his lap, so that she was straddling him. Their tongues battled for dominance, pressing and twisting against one another.
"Where's your dad?" Veronica whispered, pulling back slightly.
"He's in Chicago...back...tomorrow...night" Archie explained in between the kisses he was nightly trailing along her neck. Suddenly she felt him begin to suck on her soft skin.
"Archie you know I bruise easily" Veronica gave a weak protest, enjoying the sensation of her boyfriends mouth.
"Oh well I guess people will just know your mine then"

Veronica loved it when Archie was controlling, it was such a turn on, of corse she wouldn't let that get to Archie's head.
He went back to attacking her neck, leaving sensitive purple marks as he made his way down to her collar bone. He tugged at her shirt, annoyed that it was blocking path. Veronica pulled her body back and removed her shirt, revealing a black lace bra.
"Someone's excited" she smirked, hinting at his now obvious erection which was pressing into her panties from under her skirt.
He simply groaned and went back to kissing her, his hand slithered around her back, searching for the clasp to her bra. Soon he found it and smirked against her lips. Archie Andrews had mastered the art of taking Veronica's bra off during make out session.
Veronica kissed his deeper as her bra fell to the ground, knowing that she was going to get the entertainment she had been longing for.

End of flashback

"It was nothing really, just a little bit of fun considering Fred was away for the night" Veronica smirked, sitting back into the sofa.
"Of corse, typical Veronica and Archie leaving each other covered in hickeys." Kevin remarked.
Veronica smirked to herself. Yes, quite typical indeed.

A/N hey all! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know sorry that it's not exactly sex but I'm still trying to figure out what to write, please feel free to drop a comment so that I can see you ideas and feed back! Thanks for reading xxx

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