Chapter Seven: A Change of Heart

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Sorry, this chapter took a little while to upload. I've just been really busy and when I do get the chance to write, I get stuck. So, yeah, sorry...

Anyway, I thought I'd take the chance to thank you all for reading, voting and commenting!! A few special mentions: @chicblackglasses and @AndieJoyPandy, thanks girls!


I watch as the young guy – who looks about seventeen and is seriously gorgeous – places two take-away coffee cups on the counter. He winks and smiles at me flirtatiously. ‘That’s seven dollars and sixty-nine cents.’ He puts an emphasis on ‘sixty-nine.’

‘Ew,’ I scrunch my nose up. ‘What are you, like twelve?’

I place a ten dollar note in his hand and flinch when my skin brushes his for a second. ‘Keep the change,’ I reply. I grab the coffees and waltz out of the deli as fast as I can without looking intimidated. I jump as my phone buzzes with a new text.

Are you getting my coffee or writing a 2000 word essay? Hurry!!!

Ugh. I sigh. I should have known that after even two minutes Edwina would be getting impatient. I never should have given her my number.

Well, I didn’t really have a choice. As soon as Edwina started making me do things for her, she forced my phone number out of me so if I tried to run away she could contact me. She also got my mum’s, Noah’s, Georgia’s and Brianna’s numbers.

I take a sip of the coffee I am holding in my left hand. I power walk back to the rubbish dump that Edwina calls her house.

‘Knock, knock,’ I call out, pulling open the unlocked door. ‘I’m back, Pizza Fa –‘

But I don’t get the chance to say the rest of the word when Edwina shoves a cream pie in my face.

‘Aah!’ I squeal. ‘You little BITCH! Ugh! Ew, my hair. You are sooo going to pay for this.’ I try to brush the cream out of my beautiful, newly-washed blonde hair, but it just makes it worse.

Edwina starts doing her little cackling thing again. ‘Ha! Now you know how I felt when you poured that milkshake all over me. Oh, and the cake. But I obviously have better hair.’

I pause mid-brush to scoff. ‘Yeah, right. Keep telling yourself that.’

‘Don’t worry, I will.’ Edwina promises, then turns to the drinks that I have placed on the small table in the hallway. She picks them up. ‘Why is one of my coffees empty?’

Worry shoots through me. ‘Uh, I thought one was for me. I mean, I paid for them.’

‘So what if you paid for them,’ Edwina snaps. ‘I told you to get two full-fat coffees with one sugar each and bring them straight here, not freaking DRINK ONE!’

I give her a disgusted look. ‘You were going to drink both of them?’

‘Duh! Jeez, doesn’t everybody?’ Edwina throws her hands in the air. ‘Wait, why did you ask?’

I settle back into my don’t-mess-with-me routine. ‘It’s just that you’re looking a little, um, heavy. You seriously need to lose some weight.’

‘And you seriously need to get a life!’

I scoff at the pathetic comeback. ‘I already have one, thank you very much. A very nice one, actually. I have the most amazing boyfriend, a whole bunch of friends and endless money. Which is a hell of a lot more than you’ve got.’

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