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Loneliness filled thus heart of mine
Gonna trace again these broken lines
Yes myself,  myself is broken
A part of me, was taken.

How tricky life really is
I just received a suffering kiss
That weakened my heart
And completely torn it apart.

How I wish not to feel anything
I want to stop this tears from falling
Can all this be stopped?
If I'll say, "I give up!"

I'm tired after all that happened
I'm tired being left alone
I don't know if I can go on
I don't know how to end this all.

I'm lost and been looking for myself
And it's there in the midst of loneliness
Sailing alone with in the darkness.

Why am I always left behind?
A question that keeps running on my mind
I can't manage to handle all this
Deprived of my desired bliss

This caused me too much pain
So I guess I will let this start
This beating thing on my left chest
I'll turn it into a stone heart.

No heartaches, no heart breaks
No more pain, no more tears
All in there is numbness
No more loneliness, either happiness.

Memories (ORIGINAL)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon