Chapter 4: Cheat

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Ryan's Bae entered 'Random Hoes'.

RB: hey, is anyone awake?

Londerland entered 'Random Hoes'.

Londerland: what's up?

RB: can i trust you with something?

Londerland: ummmmmm, sure

RB: i think my bf is cheating on me.

Londerland: oh? explain.

RB: well, a few days ago, he ran out of my house to someone and they started hugged and kissing any uggggh im scared to confront him...

Londerland: well, shIT

Londerland: did u recognize the other person?

RB: ummm

RB: wait

RB: Kira Kole

RB: the biggest slut in the school

Londerland: wait a sec

Londerland: RB, where are you from?

RB: uhhhhh, why

Londerland: because there a slut in my school named kira kole, RB,  i think we live near each other....

RB: ...

Londerland: are u, brendon haden?

RB: yeah and u?

Londerland: alice, alice gray.

RB: wait, alice gray, the school president?

Londerland: yeah, that's me.

RB: shIT.

RB: well

RB: can we meet up at lion square tomorrow?

Londerland: sure. night.

RB: night.

Ryan's Bae and Londerland has left 'Random Hoes'.

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