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They'll never know what happened. Sure they have the body, but do they know how he was murdered? Probably not since the wounds were cleaned. But he deserved it He shouldn't have done that. Done what? you ask. Well he was dating two girls and none knew the other. Well when they found out, they decided to plot some revenge.

Okay they decided to stab the guy and when he went limp, the girls dragged him to the cementery (well after they cleaned the wounds). There the girls hid behind the bushes until the police found his body. "Great work Alyssa", said one of the girls. The one called Alyssa said to the other girl named Angela, "Yes, great work. They'll never know what happened that night".

Flash forward to the funeral. Everyone is clad in black clothes mourning for the murdered boy. They said a few words before they buried his body. Then they went to their usual business. Once everyone left, Alyssa and Angela appeared from the bushes. Each dropped a rose the color of crimson. Both smiled at each other knowing that this will be the last time that they will see each other.

But before they went their seperate ways, a flash of light appeared.

Okay this is my first short story posted here. Don't judge. This is kinda based on Crarrie Underwood's song Black Cadillacs..

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