moving on

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In a small town of Forks which is in Washington is a 18 year old teenager girl who has been recently been depressed because she was dumped by her ex-boyfriend who she dated for over a year which made her feel like it was a lifetime. Her name is Isabella Marie swan and she is the only child of Renee Dwayer and her ex husband charlie swan who is a police chef of forks for a while. when Bella was a baby for a few months she was taken by Renee because Renee didn't like the weather in forks it was always raining but not a lot of sun which barely happens and it would make people feel depressed and sad for no warmth and sun tan to happen. When they moved they were at a place where it stayed sunny but only rain a few times a year which made them happy but Bella didn't mind. When Bella was 6 she had a job at home to help Renee and she had a job which was go round houses with newspapers and she gets double pay for cleaning buildings which she finds is fun. When she was 8 years old she would come and visit charlie in forks and make some summer trips to Virginia where her grandmother lives along with her friends. At the age of 16 she stopped going because her grandmother wouldn't tell her why her mum and dad wouldn't let her go and see them when they didn't know that she did in the summer when she said that she would be with her friends camping which would. At 17 she moved to forks to spend some time with her dad in forks which is when she met the Cullen family that have been there for sometime, they have also been from Alaska which is a small town that has cold weather. Edward Cullen was in Bella's class which was biology and she could tell that he wasn't human from when he was sitting far away from her in their seat which wanted to know why he was like that and not talking to her which had been hurting her feelings and when she was his partner in that class. Mike Newton was in the class as well and he would help her for the week since she is new to the school and she had been appreciated it.

After as while Bella and Edward had been getting to know each other but what Edward didn't know was that she has been getting information about the Cullen family and her friend from childhood Jacob black who was a brother of the twin girls that were only a year older then her Rachel and Rebecca while their dad is in a wheel chair for the rest of his life from a car accident. Black family has a blood line for them to be a shapeshifter that turns into wolves only when vampires are in town and they protect the innocent on their land but if the vampire are gone then their land until they come back to take there land till they move again to keep the humans from knowing about their kind which is a rule of their kings and queens. because if someone of the humans had found out that had to kill them or change them before the voltori that are the kinds, queens or the guard come and deal with it but it they are gifted they can join the coven but if not then the offer is free for the future. Bella nearly got changed into a vampire by a norman James when he tricked her of believing that he had her mum at the ballet studio in phoenix. But Edward sucked out the venom and she woke up in the hospital and Edward explained on what had happened at the studio and then when he heard that her mum was outside the door he pretended that he was asleep while Renee and Bella were talking, then when Charlie came in she apologised to him on what she had said to him and he took it in and forgiven her and then she went back to Forks and Carlisle Cullen was her doctor there. Edward took Bella to prom so that she could have 1 day on doing something normal with her friends and him, when they were talking while dancing they talked about the venom.

Over the months everything was normal till it came to Bella's 18th birthday and she got a present from her grandmother on both sides of the family which was money from grandma Lucy and she got of grandma Marie she got a diamond necklace which had her name on the back of the necklace and she wore it through the day at school. From her mother a photo album and from her dad she got a camera. The Cullen family made Bella a birthday party for her at their house and that it was Alice's idea when Bella didn't want a party for her just wanted to spend sometime with them and that she didn't want any presents from them when they did: necklace from Rosalie, stereo from Emmett for her truck, 2 plane tickets to Jacksonville to see her mum from Carlisle and Esme, CD from Edward and she was about to open her last present which was in a envelope when she got a paper cut which had everything out of control when Edward pushed Bella into the table and vase that had flowers that Esme did, while everyone took Jasper out of the house to hunt Carlisle fixed up Bella. Edward took Bella home that night and she told him to stay with Jasper for the night because he is the only one that can get into Jasper and Bella knew that because she text jasper that she was going to get Edward to chat with him. What Edward didn't know was that she spoke with Rosalie, Japser and Emmett when he was out hunting on his own and that they all kept it secret because they all knew that he would ban them from seeing her and talking on the phone so they kept it to themselves and made sure that they had their minds blocked so that he didn't get through to hear them.

When Edward ended it with Bella she knew that it was coming and she also knew that they were soul mates to begin with and so wanted to live a little before she found the person that she was destined to be with which she had a feeling that he was in mystic falls where her grandmother was so she texted jasper, Emmett and Rosalie on the plan and they were OK with it since they would find a time to come and visit. Today Bella knew that she had to go to mystic falls so she was cooking her dad's favourite meal which was harry clearwaters's home made fish fry with chips and beans with some bread with ice-cream and cake on the side for desert

Dad: so Bella whats with this meal and desert for i can tell that you have something to tell me go on and say it I have a feeling that I might know what it is

Bella: I want to move to mystic falls where grandma Marie lives so that i can get away from here with bad memories of them. I think that it would do me some good.

Dad: I knew that it was coming and of course you can go and live with Grandma Marie when are you leaving

Bella: in 3 days so that way i have enough time to pack and sort of transfers to mystic falls school and I would have enough time to say goodbye to everyone at school and on La Push beach before i leave.

For the past 3 days she did her loundary and started packing and when she went into town she got somethings that she would need and she made some plans that when she arrives to mystic falls and does a tour to get use to the place and when she did she would make a day to go and do some shopping to have the right wear. She said goodbye to her friends at school and she said her goodbyes in la push beach and she would keep in touch once she had settled in the next few days at the house

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