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Nialls POV

They all came in and said they had something important to say. Harry and Louis were holding hands as was Liam and Zayn

Louis POV

I'm ready to tell our friends about us! I hope Harry is ready because I'm about to announce it.

Harry's POV

When Liam and Zayn came back I heard Louis yell "ME AND HARRY HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE" that's when everyone looked at us and he yelled in my ear which hurt that Larry is official. Everyone was happy for us.

Liam POV

Maybe it won't be as hard as we thought but I wonder how Niall will feel about all of this. When I heard Zayn's voice I knew it would be to late to turn back now.

Zayn's POV

If Larry is real then Ziam can be real. I hope Niall takes it well. I say ' Liam and I have the same announcement but about Ziam."

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