The Party {part 4}

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The pictures are not mine but it is funny. This would be me.

(Maybree Pov)

"WHAT," I yelled.  I justed looked at him stunned by what he just said until he started to laugh. "What makes you think your DAUGHTERS are my mates?"  I replied with.  Simon said, "Well Calvin mindlinked me that you said that your animals were saying mate was close by. And Emma and Racheal unmasked their scent when we got to the stairs and that's when Calvin mindlinked about what you said."  "You aren't mad for your daughters having a girl mate especially a hybrid," I asked. Simon looked at me funny at first then started to laugh. "No, I'm not mad at them having a girl as a mate. I actually love that your their mate and not one of those boys that just want power. I know that some might be good but I don't like them." He said. "Can they come up here so actually have time to talk to them?" I asked. "Sure, just let me mindlink them first," Simon said. "They're coming up and you might want to unmask your scent for them to find out," he added.  Knock knock "Come in," Simon said. Then Emma and Racheal walked in.

 Then Emma and Racheal walked in

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Racheal up above Emma under

Racheal up above Emma under

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"Daddy, what do you want?" Emma asked. Simon said, "Sniff around for a little bit." Emma and Racheal were like what. Then Simon hit me on the shoulder. "What," I whisper. He whispered back, "Stop masking your scent." "Fine," I said.  When I unmasked my scent Racheal was the first to react. She just came up and hugged me. I tensed up at first then started to lean into her touch.  Emma looked at us like we were crazy until she sniffed and came to hug me too. Though with them both hugging me I couldn't. "Can't..... Breathe.." They both backed away with a little blush on their cheeks.  I notice that they were about 6'2 from being Alphas.  "Hi, my named is Maybree Souls." I look around for Simon but didn't find him anywhere.  "Well, do you gals want to go back to the party." They just nodded and hooked onto my arms. When we came back to the party I told them I would be right back and went to Mark and Calvin. "Hey, Calvin it looks like you were right. They are my mates." I said once I found them. "Ha, I knew it," he said. "Well, I came over to say that I might not be leaving with you guys. And I might want to go back to the girl before they come looking for me. Bye," I said. I came back to find the girl getting harass from two guys that look like their in their late 20s.  I came up right behind Emma and Racheal and wrapped my arm around the waist. "Sorry guy but their dad told me to watch them. So move along," I said not so nicely at the end.  They went away and Racheal said, "Did dad really tell you to watch us." I replied with, "No but I don't want to see my girls getting harass." Racheal and Emma both blushed when I said my girls which was so cute. 

(10:30 PM) (Maybree Pov)

"Hey, Maybree we're leaving so goodnight," Calvin said and whispered, "You don't have to come to work so early." I blushed and slap his arm. When I saw their car drive away I turn around to find Emma and Racheal almost asleep. "Hey, where is a guest room," I whisper to them since they're tired. "Up the stairs, to the right, last room," Emma said. I smirked when an idea hit me. "Hey do girls want to sleep with me," I said and smiled when they blushed and shooked their heads yes. When we got to the guest room I took the bag Calvin left for me in case I found my mate and wanted to sleep with them.  I came back to find Emma and Racheal waiting on the bed with nothing on except their bras and underwear. I got in the middle of the bed and Emma snuggle on my right and Racheal on my left. They were out when they started to snuggle into my sides. I looked out the window to see the moon and I said, "Thank you for giving two perfect mates." I went to sleep after that.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's another chapter I didn't update sooner because of swimteam. See you next time.

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