Chapter 5

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Lauren settles down to her bed to start with the project. I awkwardly sit on the floor next to the bed.

"Come up here! Don't sit on the floor. This is much more comfortable."

I stand up slowly and take a few extra steps before I finally settle onto the bed. I'm sitting in a pretzel, and she's laying down on her stomach looking at her computer. Literally why am I so awkward like anyone is more smooth that me.

"Do you like Austin?" Lauren startles me from my thoughts.

"What?" I respond even though we both knew I heard her.

"Do you like Austin? You can tell he's is totally into you."

"Um no.. Why do you think that? Cause yeah I don't like him.. He likes me but I'm trying to avoid him and stuff. Do I look like I like him or something?" I keep rambling on and on annoying myself.

She looks at me kind of funny before saying, "No, I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable with him if you don't. I'll try to help you if he hits on you and stuff, cause I can see it bothers you."

"Oh yeah.. that would be nice! Thanks."

"No problem. I started this power point! What do you think of it?"

I lean closer in, but I still can't see and I realize that I'm going to have to lay right next to her if I really wanted to be able to see what she has done so far. I get onto my hands and knees and get next to her and lower myself down. We are touching from waist to ankles. I get butterflies and it startles me but I also like it.

I see Lauren move quickly as we touch, but then she settles back to how she was.

"What do you think so far?"

"Oh uh," I had totally spaced out and wasn't even paying  attention to the power point. 

"You weren't paying attention to it were you?"

She caught me.

"It's okay, me either."

I shyly smile and look down.

"Are you hungry or thirsty? Here let me get us some snacks."

While she leaves I take the time to do some deep breathing. I need a moment and am secretly very thankful she left for a bit. I get out my phone and text Ally. 

"Hey, I think I like someone."

She answers almost immediately

"Wait what?! Austin? please don't tell me it's him. Which boy is it?"

I pause before typing

"I don't think it's a boy."

"What do you mean?"

"I think I like a girl.."

"It's Lauren isn't it"

"Wait.. How'd you know?!"

"I can read you like a book Camila. The first obvious sign was that you got a salad for lunch the other day."

"Is it that obvious? OMGSH" 

"Probably not.. I'm just your best friend so it's easy to tell. Have you told Dinah or Normani?"

"No! Please don't tell them. I'm for sure not ready for them to know."

"Of course. I would never tell."

The door cracks back open as Lauren walks in. I set my phone down.  She closes the door behind and I'm surprised because she didn't close it before.

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