Chapter 6

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As she closes the door, I feel my hands get all clammy. Why right now?? I start to rub my hands on my pants to dry them off.

"Don't be nervous," Lauren says jumbling me from my thoughts.

I look up and smile slightly.

"Okay so I like the power point so far but I think that we should add some color to it just to make it a little more interesting to the class when we present." I say trying to change the subject.

"Hmm, that's probably a smart thing to do! What color do you think we should add?"

"Hey nowww! That's a lot of pressure to pick the color of the entire power point! What do you think it should be?"

We both stare at each other for a moment thinking.

"Yellow!" We say at the same time.

We work on the power point for a bit longer when I look at the clock.

"Woah! It's already midnight? We must be working really hard.. I should probably get going soon." I say

"Awww the wittle baby is getting tired isn't sheeee?" Lauren replies, mocking me.

"Well it is a school night!" I protest.

"Just stay here then! There's no sense in driving home! Then you'll just get to bed later. If you stay here you can just go to bed now," She narrows her eyes a bit.

If I stay here I definitely WOULD NOT sleep... but there's no way I can tell her that.

"Fine. I need my 8 hours." I say doing my best to stay cool.

I make my way to the floor with a blanket and a pillow.

"I'm not going to let you sleep on the floor.. You know that right?" Lauren says.

I give her a questioning look.

"Just sleep on my bed. You'll be sore in the morning if you sleep down there."

"Okay, but like where are you going to sleep?"

"I'll go on the couch downstairs," Lauren replies.

"I'm not going to let you sleep on the couch.. You know that right?" I say without even thinking.

She gave me a puzzled look but smirked

"Then where do you suppose I'll sleep?" Her smirk lingered.

"I mean you can lay on the bed with me if you want."

"I'll take you up on that offer. Let me put in a movie first! Shhhh I'm scared of the dark don't tell anyone."

"My lips are sealed," I say with a whisper.

We are laying side by side but not touching and I swear I'm so stiff that I can't literally feel myself shaking because my muscles have been clenched for so long. I don't even know what to do. There is NO way that I will get a wink of sleep tonight.

"Good night Camz," Lauren says with her cute raspy voice.

"Good night Lauren." I reply.

I decide to turn over. I might as well face away from her so she doesn't know I'm literally laying there with my eyes wide open. Lauren is making herself comfortable and the bed shifts a bit. I lay there still paralyzed.

I look at my watch and its 3 AM. I need to relax I tell myself. I moved around a bit to get comfortable to finally try and start to sleep. I must've waked up Lauren when I moved because she started moving as well.

"Hey Camz, relax!"

Her voice startles me.

"You most definitely won't be getting your 8 hours if you don't relax! Here get comfortable."

She cuddles her body around mine and slides her arm under my neck.

She HAS to be able to feel my heart race. There's no way she couldn't. We are spooning right now.

My body relaxes again.

She slides her hand around my waist.

Dang she's smooth.

I push my body into her. It's the first time I've felt completely comfortable cuddling with someone else. I really like her. This is not good.

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