Chapter 7

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Dedicated to my favorite author Larry_Lashton. I love your stories so much and in general love you :)

I was woken up the next morning, once again by my vibrating phone, telling me about a new message. Grinning happily and remembering everything that had happened the night before at once, I felt my heart flutter in my chest and excitedly searched for my phone in the tangled bed sheets. As soon as I had found it I unlocked it and opened the message, biting my lip hard to suppress a squeal from slipping out.

Good morning love <33 Yesterday honestly was the best night ever! xx”

I grinned the whole time while typing a reply, wondering if my mouth was going to start hurting from all the smiling I had done in the past week.

“Morning :) It was indeed. I want to see you again soon xx”

We spent the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon texting with each other about nothing in particular. But that was one of the things I liked most about him; we could talk for ages about literally nothing without getting bored. However, at around 3 o’clock, I decided to leave my house for once and go for a walk. Just by myself.

“I’m going out, but I’ll be back soon.” I called over my shoulder as I ran down the stairs, after putting on my coat, letting my mum know I wasn’t going to be home for the next hour or so. I didn’t wait for a reply, but just left, shutting the door behind me.

First I just wandered around in my neighbourhood, thinking, dreaming, not paying attention to where I was going, but soon enough I had reached the bus station and decided to take a spontaneous trip into town. I hadn’t been on my own a lot in the last few days, always either in company with my mum or Liam and Niall. It was nice to finally have some time on my own, even though a little park inside of me wished for a specific someone to be with me.

However, he has made himself very clear the night before, that he wasn’t ready yet to reveal himself. And it was okay really. Just, after finally meeting him, it kind of had started to feel as if a piece of me was missing. As if he had taken it with him while giving me that last kiss on my forehead before disappearing in the dark. That sounds so overused and cheesy, but it was how I felt. It was how not being with the one you were in love with felt. Like they had ripped out a piece of your heart and left you bleeding, and the only way to heal was to be with them again.

I was ripped out of my thoughts by something hard hitting the back of my head, causing me to stumble and fall down onto the cold pavement, only then realizing that there were loud voices behind me. I quickly turned around, gazing up into the faces of four guys from my school, looking down at me, disgust clearly visible in their eyes.

“Aww, did the little faggot fall down?” The tallest one of them spat out, making the other three snicker nastily. I flinched at the use of the word faggot. I couldn’t stand people calling me that. Sure, I was gay, but that gave them no right to insult me. I was about to snap back at them, when I suddenly got kicked in the stomach.

The four of them has always been a bother to me, from the day I came out to the school. They had started calling me names or shouting insults at me, but that soon had died down when they realised I didn’t care. However, as cruel as their words may had been, they had never once hurt me in any physical way – until today.

I was met by yet another punch, this time straight into my face. I groaned in pain, crossing my arms in front of my face, trying to prevent another punch into it. I crawled backwards a few feet, desperately wishing to be anywhere but there, when suddenly I was lifted up from the ground by a firm grip on the collar of my coat.

I scrunched my eyes together and yelped loudly, as the other three guys now as well started to hit me, ever so often spitting things like “faggot” or “gay boy” into my already bruising face. I tried to defend myself in any way, but that only made them punch me harder, up to the point where my whole body was hurting as if a car had hit me several times. I couldn’t feel anything but pure pain. When I stopped moving, too exhausted to even open my eyes, they eventually let go of me, kicking my motionless body a few more times before running away.

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