Chapter 8

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Dedicated to my cousin :)

To say I was confused, when I woke up a few hours later by the loud rumbling of my stomach, would be an understatement. I had no idea where I was and why the hell I was pressed up against another person. This lack of knowledge almost made me start to panic, but as soon as I took in a deep breath and smelled the extraordinary smell of him, of Harry, I immediately calmed down and tightened my grip around him again.

A small smile appeared on my face, as the memories of the previous hours were rushing back into my mind, their intensity leaving me breathless for a moment. I flinched slightly, remembering all the punches and kicks I had received, but smiled even more, thinking about how caring and lovely Harry had been; running for me, even though I had snapped at him.

A sudden pressure on the top of my head pulled me out of my thoughts, making my heart beat faster as I realised it was Harry, placing kisses onto my mop of hair. "Hello there, sleepy head." He murmured into my ear, his lips almost touching my sensitive skin there, sending various shivers down my spine. "Hey." I said, searching for his hand under the duvet, that was still wrapped around us, sighing contentedly when I laced my fingers with his, our hands fitting perfectly into each others.

"Haven't you slept?" I asked, eyeing him curiously. He didn't look like having closed his eyes once (except for blinking, of course), and I wondered if I was the reason that had held him awake. "I- Uhm, no.. Not really." He stuttered, his tanned cheeks turning pink, as he looked anywhere but my eyes.

I raised an eyebrow, confused as why he would act like that and was about to ask him just that, when he spoke up again. "I kind of watched you- Uhm, sleeping... Not in a creepy way, not at all! You just look so adorable and innocent when you sleep, I couldn't resist...." He rambled, biting his lips nervously.

I giggled loudly, receiving a rather hurt look from Harry, but I ignored it and just turned my head to peck his cheek softly. "I don't mind, don't worry. It's actually kind of cute. I'm just a bit concerned for you getting no sleep." I pointed out, bringing the hand that wasn't intertwined with his up to his face, gently running it over his heated cheeks, which honestly only made him look cuter than he did anyway.

Harry's lips curled up into a smile and he slightly leaned into my touch, purring in response, which made yet another giggle slip out of my mouth.

"Don't worry, it's only 9. I still have the whole night to sleep." He reassured me, placing his hand on top of mine and moving it to his mouth to softly peck it. "And now we'll have something to eat. Don't think I didn't hear your stomach earlier." Harry stated, pushing the duvet away from our both fully-clothed bodies, crawling out of the comfy bed.

"How are you feeling by the way?" He asked, concern filling his voice, as he held out a hand to help me up, probably expecting me to me in a lot more pain than I was showing.

However, walking and moving was rather easy now, after resting for a few hours; the many bruises on my body only hurting when I touched them, which I of course tried to avoid. "I'm alright, really. More important question: what does my face look like?" I asked, thinking of the probably clearly visible bruise around my eye.

I grabbed Harry's hand carefully and pulled myself with his help up from the bed, standing directly in front of Harry now, our chests touching in the slightest. He studied my face for a moment, before smiling shyly. "Your face is as beautiful as always, though you might want to cover up your black eye with some of my mum's concealer."

I rolled my eyes at his cheesy comment about my face, but pulled him into a hug anyway, as some sort of silent thank you. We stood like that for what felt like forever, my head leaning on his shoulder, and his face buried into my hair. Harry was first to pull away, but only because my stomach once again made a noise of hunger, otherwise we'd probably have remained in that position for a little longer. "Let's go get something to eat now." Harry demanded, taking my hand into his and carefully dragging me into his kitchen.

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