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~For the outcasts whose world is crashing down upon them, this is for you guys.


                                                             A and L


“I'm an angel with a shotgun,

fighting 'til the war's won,

I don't care if heaven won't take me back.

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.

Don't you know you're everything I have?

..and I want to live, not just survive, tonight.

... And I'm gonna hide, hide, hide my wings tonight.”


        ~Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab



On a dark and stormy summer’s night in the old city of Verona, Italy pandemonium was in the air as a crowd assembled in the city plaza. Screams of murder and cries for vengeance can be heard from every direction.A woman was pleading for mercy but her voice was drowned out as she was being dragged to the center of the crowd,where they have prepared a stake for where they shall burn her. They claim she is behind the countless deaths, of which the cause is supernatural.They tied her arms to the wooden stake and with a spark of fire, her short period of agony before death has begun.Amidst the crowd was a young girl, helplessly watching and crying  as they burn the woman she calls her mother to ashes. The fiery flames dance and spread across the woman’s body as she screams of pain so loud it’s deafening and the crowd watched her with a look of satisfied vengeance. This horrifying spectacle went on for what seemed like hours to the poor little girl. She tried in vain to prove her mother’s innocence but alas no one believes her. They kept on calling and shouting that she’s a devil’s child a wretch of humanity. They drove her out to the outskirts of the city, alone and defenceless with nothing but the clothes on her back. A loud crash of thunder and flash of lightning suddenly came from the sky,the lightning struck down the earth not too far from where the girl was and the earth shook. The girl ran away hurriedly,to a cavern near the mountainside for protection and once the storm passed she ran away to wherever fate will take her. And from that night began the tale of the wretched and the divine….

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