Chapter 1

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        Elsa stood patiently near the edge of the frozen fjord, her hands crossed lightly above her pelvis and her elegant thick braid resting delicately on her shoulder. Her frosty blue eyes reflected the view of the crystallized sea as she gazed across with a worried look. She tried to stay calm, but the rapid pace of her breath seemed to show her anxiety. 

        The snowfall was starting to get harder and the clouds were dimming to a darker grey. The atmosphere seem to gain a new layer of frigidness. Jack Frost was here.

        The winter spirit flew in and the snowfall hardened. His bare feet and light steps barely made prints in the snow as he walked towards the elegant empress.  

        “Elsa.” Jack started to speak. “You summoned me?” His staff sank into the ground and the snow fell harder. He left space between him and the ice queen.

        “Yes. Yes I did.” Elsa’s soft voice almost blurred with the starting blizzard. “I-I..” She turned around to face Jack. “Arendelle is in trouble.” Ice started to form beneath her feet. “A-A-Anna. S-She’s been kidnapped.” She stuttered.

        “Kidnapped. Kidnapped?” Jack’s face turned puzzled. “By who? Wait, what? How could that happen?”

        “I don’t know why. I don’t know who did it. I don’t know how it happened. Anna’s gone.” Elsa started to form icy tears as she cradled her arms and started to weep. “Kristoff told me they were masked kidnappers and they hurt him pretty bad. No one else in the kingdom has any trace of her. Jack. I need your help.” The queen looked at Jack with sadness. “I can’t lose her again!” 

        “Of course. But, how do we start?” Jack floated toward the top of his staff and perched himself onto it. His toes latched on to the wood for balance. “I could call the guardia-” 

        “No.” She cut him off. “We need to do this alone. The guardians will attract too much attention.”  

        "Attention? How? I mean, if there was any commotion it'd be North's boisterous laugh but that's not-" Jack paused. "Not really a problem." Jack reached behind his neck and nervously grinned. 

         "Asking the guardians to come with us will be like asking a circus to preform. I'm not saying I don't like the guardians, I love you guys but this is really serious. Kidnapping a princess is different that saving kids from nightmares."

        "How dare you..." Jack's face immediately changed. “You ask for my help, and I need my team.” His eyes narrowed as he descended from the heights of his staff. “We can’t do this alone!” He shouted. 

        “Jack. If you love me, you’ll listen to me. I have a plan, but I can’t carry it out on my own. I need a double effort and there’s room in this plan for just us.” Elsa walked to Jack and placed her small hands on the collar of his frosty sweatshirt. “You love me, don’t you?” She cooed as she softly brushed the frost off. 

        “Yes, with all my heart. My queen.” He gazed into her eyes, and planted a small kiss on her cheek. “Okay. I’m on board. What do you need me to do?” He said, pulling the queen closer to him into an embrace. 

        “Well, I’ll need you to stop being so cute first.” She smiled shyly before wrapping her arms around the frosty guardian’s neck. Her eyes locked with his. A little flurry started to grow around them.  

        “Only if you stop being so beautiful.” His eyes squinted as he smiled and touched foreheads with Elsa, planting another kiss on her nose. 

        “Is this what they mean by Jack Frost nipping at your nose?” She giggled, startled at the sudden coldness of his lips.

        “I don’t go around kissing noses if that’s what you’re asking!” Jack burst out into laughter. “That’s weird and gross.” 

        “You’re weird and gross…” Elsa stared at him straight-faced, and then broke into a smile. “I’m just kidding. You’re my frosty little snowman.”

        “And you’re my beautiful little snow queen.” 

        “Who are you calling little? I’m taller than you. And more fabulous.”

        “I can agree with you on the fabulous part.” He laughed. “But you’re only taller than me because you’re wearing heels.” He pulled his staff to the hem of Elsa’s dress lightly tapping onto the back of her ice heels. “Those three-inchers aren’t doing you any favors!”

        “Anything you can do, I can do in my heels, and better.” She smirked, playfully poking him in the nose. “Okay, okay. We have to focus now! I have a sister to save!” Elsa snapped back to reality.  

        “Right, right.” Jack said as he took a large breath. “What do we do first?”

        “Find Kristoff. He was the last person to see her. I need to figure out where she was last. I know he’s injured, but he left the palace two nights ago to go back to his troll family.” Elsa paced around with her hands crossed on her elbows. “I’m scared Jack. What if I lose her again?”

        “You won’t. You’ve got me right here. We will find Anna, and we will bring her back.” He wrapped his slender arms around the queen’s waist. “I promise.”

        “I hope.” The queen looked up in despair. “I hope…” 

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