Meeting the boys

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Face to face with CC who had jake on his shoulders, pushing past me and running down the street. Ashley runs up to me and picks andy up on his shoulders, running down the street chasing CC and jake. Feeling awkward i just stood outside the open door alone until Jinxx walks over. "May i ask Who you are?" Jinxx said. "Im Blade, Andy just adopted me" i replied pushing my knuckles even though they wont crack, its a nervous habit. "Oh cool umm come in i guess and we will wait for the idiots to get back" he told me. I walked in and sat on the couch in the messy living room. Minutes later all the boys come rushing into the room out of breath and laughing. Then they see me and all of them except andy and jinxx become silent and confused. "Who are you?" Said jake breaking the awkward silence. After Andy explains i get a couple "welcome to the family"'s from the boys until CC screams "NEW FRIEND" and tackles me in a hug. I fall on the floor with CC on top of me, knocking the wind out of me. "don't kill the girl" said Ashley as he pulled CC off of me. I stand up and ask "Can i please have something to drink?" while shyly looking down at the floor. "yea, theres plenty of stuff in the fridge. the kitchens over there." Jake said pointing to a doorway. As i walk towards it i pass Andy who whispers something along the lines of not to be so shy. I open the think to myself as i see monsters in all different colors, beer, water, soda,and tons of food. I grab a green monster and walk back to the living room. I take a seat in between Jinxx and jake on the couch and open the can. "Follow me, ill show you your room and then leave you to unpack" andy says as hd makes his way up the stairs and stops at the third door on the left. "I decorated it already and you can hang posters, pictures and just do whatever really". "thanks" i say back to andy as he walks away i open the door and step in. It was amazing, black walls, red carpet, black comforter and sheets, a closet, desk, makeup table and mirror and an iPod dock. I put my clothes and shoes in the closet, sort all my makeup out on the makeup table, and put my sketchbook, songbook, and colored pens and pencils on the desk. now for the hard part, hiding spots. I tape all my blades behind a sleeping with sirens poster over my bed, hide a box with my weed stash and rolling papers under my bed, and put my money for buying weed in a pair of shoes that i never wear, i don't want them finding it and getting suspicious. I go into the bathroom attached to my room and put away all the things i need in there, and walk back down to the living room where only ashley and andy are now. "Your done? already" says andy "its only been 5 minutes". I don't have that much clothes so it was easy." i explain. "Thats it I'm taking you shopping right now follow me." ashley says rather loudly dragging out the last e. i get up and follow him to the car, hop in the front seat and buckle my seatbelt. Ashley hands me the wire so i plug in my iPod and Yo Ho by Blood on the Dance Floor comes on. After singing along to about 4 more songs me and ashley stop in a mall parking lot. "Where to first?" asks ashley as we walk inside. "Definitely hot topic" i reply taking of running in the direction if the store. when we finally get there i winded up getting about 7 skinny jeans 2 shorts 10 shirts and 5 band bracelets. ashley insisted on paying much to my protest. "I'm paying at the next store" i said and pointed a finger to him. "Fine. where now?" he questions. "Victoria Secrets" i say shyly.

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