Your first vacation together

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Calum: You and Calum had been dating for two years now and he wanted to take you to Hawaii for your vacation with him. "Calum! " you yelled. You heard his footsteps coming. "Yes gorgeous? " He said. "Have you even started packing Calum?  Our flight leaves tomorrow. " You said your  hands on your hips. "Uh no" He said smiling. "Calum Hood go pack your stuff!" You pointed to the suitcase that was in the corner of your room. "Nooo I'm playing Fifa with Michael" He said pouting. His pouts always used to make you give in but you guys have been dating for two years going on three so you're immune. You stated at him directly in his eyes and he stared back. "Well I guess someone isn't getting anything for awhile" You whispered kissing his jawline and nibbling on his neck. He stiffened up and his eyes grew wide. "Dude go pack your clothes!" Michael yelled from the room. Calum ran to the suitcase packing whatever he found in the drawers.  You giggled and Michael and you just watched Calum run around the room throwing clothes all on the floor.

Michael: Michael said he's always wanted to go to Italy because it's scenery was so beautiful and because of the Pizza. So you decided to surprise him by getting both of you plane tickets to Italy for your summer vacation. Michael was currently at the studio working on some new songs with the boys so you decided to decorate the house with little lights and you got a pizza that said 'We're going to Italy' in little pepperoni slices. It was about an hour before Michael was going to get here so you decided to get dresses in a skin tight red dress and straighten your hair. You heard his car pull up in the driveway and you ran to turn of the lights. The door swung open and you saw the outline of Michael's wild hair. "Bae I'm ho- what the fuck" He said looking at the little lights. He flipped on the lights and you got up from behind the couch. "Surprise babe" You said trying to run to him (you were in heels). "It's not my birthday" He said confused. "I know but I have surprise for you" You said walking over to the box of Pizza. He looked confused but he took the box and opened it. "We're going to Italy...holy crap We're going to Italy!!" He said dropping the Pizza and hugging you. "Michael I never thought  you'd drop a pizza" I said surprised.  He shrugged. "Well get more in Italy now let's go celebrate" He said winking. You giggled and Michael carried you to your room to play a game of Fifa.

Ashton: Since Ashton was in 5sos he's traveled around the world and seen many places  but he's never been to the Caribbean so he decided to get you and him plane tickets to go for your two years anniversary. Right now you were in the Caribbean outside of the beach house Ashton rented for the two weeks your gonna be there. You were on your little polka dot bikini laying on the sand getting a tan. When someone began to block the sun. "What the- oh hey Ashton." You said shielding your eyes from the sun. "Well hello sexy how are you?" He said with a wink. You giggled and he wrapped his arms around you and you sat in between his legs. It was beginning to get dark and the sun was setting. You let out a sigh and watched the beautiful colors that mixed in the sky. You felt Ashton put his hand on your thighs and traveled up towards your stomach.  You already knew that Ashton didn't come over here to watch the sunset with you he wanted something else.  "Ashton what are you doing? " I asked looking at him. "You" He said smirking. You gasped but before you could say anything he picked you up and ran to your beach house.  And let's say what Ashton had in mind was way better. 

Luke: Luke has always been the shy romantic of the group so when it came to the time of your birthday he wanted it to be special. "(Y/n)" He yelled from living room.  You groaned and got up from your bed where you were watching the notebook.  You were alone because Luke was acting very suspicious and you were upset with him. "What" You spat at him.He flinched and a look of hurt fell upon his face but it turned into a smile. "(Y/n) , look I know you're upset with me but hear me out." He explained his hands in front of him trying to protect himself.  You gestured for him to go on. He smiled and grabbed your hand. He opened the curtain that showed a view of your backyard. Your backyard was decorated with lights and a trail of roses led to a circular table.  "Oh my, Luke what is all this?" You asked completely stunned. "Well (Y/n) your birthday is in three days so I decided to give you a present." He led you to your table where an envelope was on the side with a rose on it. You grabbed it and looked at him he mouthed 'open it'. You opened the envelope and there was two tickets to"Paris!!!" You screamed. He smiled like a Cheshire cat. You hugged him and kissed him on the lips repeatedly.  "Thank you Luke so much I am so sorry and I am grateful to have a boyfriend like you" You said hugging him. "Well how grateful are you" Luke said smirking. "Well I guess I'll have to show you" You whispered seductively.  You walked to your room and left Luke to run after you.

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