Anticipated Q1: "Why don't you update?"

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Alright, I just know this will be—if nothing else—the very first thing someone will want to ask me, so let me get this out of the way: It can never be.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

It's not as though I didn't enjoy writing In Order to Fly or Rise In Revolution, but at the time of writing, my style was juvenile, to say the least. I really only created an original character and inserted them into the actual story, adding in my own plot whenever I felt like it. Heck, when I was writing In Order to Fly I literally had the manga open in a separate tab so I could get in what the characters said word for word. Needless to say, I wasn't satisfied with that, and have gone on to improve my writing as well as attempt something more pleasurable for you readers.

When I said on my profile (paraphrased) "I have the attention span of a squirrel, leaving me working on one thing one minute and switching over to another thing the next," I really meant it. One day I'll come up with a premise for an original story or whatnot, work on things like characters, setting, and such, then another idea will pop up and I'll start working on that. When I get an idea for something, I try to flesh it out in its entirety before I even type the words 'Chapter 1'. Even this chapter—as well as most of this story—was written long before it was ever published, because I like to make sure everything is right before I put it out into the world. It is for this reason as well as the above that nothing has been added to nor has anything new come out just yet.

I'm deeply honored people liked In Order to Fly so much considering it was my very first story, and it makes me happy to still see people add it to reading lists titled 'Favorites' and whatnot. All of the reads, votes, and comments are still very much appreciated.

I understand that for many this means an enjoyable piece may never see a proper ending, however, I have hope that when I do finally put out there a new work, there will be just as many of you who will enjoy it as much as before.

In the meantime, there will always be this place, which is here as much for you as it is for me. Use it to its fullest extent while I work on getting at least one new story out there.

Thank you for your time and understanding.

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