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(Y/N)'s POV

Here I am again. Just sitting here alone in a kitchen. Waiting for them to get home. Who you may ask? Well, my brothers, who all adopted me when I was just 3 months old. They are all part of this band called BTS. They make amazing music and they keep practicing until they hit the floor. And me? Well I just stay home. But that doesn't mean I can just sit around all day on my ass and do nothing. While they are gone, I cook them food, I clean their house, I give them my support, I wait on them hand and foot. What can I say? It was the least I could do for them letting me into their home.

Two days time, it'll be my 17th birthday. I sure hope it's happy for the day. My thoughts are interrupted by the door to our home being slammed shut.

I walked into the living room and saw my 7 favorite people taking off shoes and jackets and whatnot. I went to go give Jungkook, the youngest one, a hug, but when I reached out for him he just pushed me off.

Strange. Kookie would never push me off.

"Hi boys, how was your day today?" I asked as cheerful as I could.

They all just groaned and rolled their eyes.

"It was fine, did you make food for us?" Jimin asked, well more like rudely asked, me.

"Yes Jimin, there is food in the kitchen." I told him with a forced smile on my face.

They all pushed by me and got their food. Not leaving any for me sadly.

"We need alone time. Go to your room and stay there." Yoongi snapped at me.

I nodded and went to my room and locked the door. This is awful. Did something happen that is making them act like this? I went onto my phone and the first thing that came up was a news article. The title read:


Now I can see why they are so upset. They have been talking about this project for weeks. I still don't see why they are taking it out on me. I just went to sleep and tried to forget about the awful night I just had.


Tonight wasn't so great. We didn't get the project we wanted, and EXO was rubbing it in our faces. Again. Then when we got home, I smelled the food the (Y/N) made. She is really good at cooking, I am so thankful we have her around.

Between you and me, I have feelings for her. I guess it could work since she's adopted, but I don't know how she would feel about me.

Then all of a sudden, everyone started acting angry towards her. But, i just didn't want to seem out of place, so I started acting angry. I don't know what came over me, or any of us for that matter. Next thing I knew, she was sent to her room while we were eating.

Worst of all, we didn't leave any for her.

Poor (Y/N).

She doesn't deserve any of that. She's just trying to be positive.

Fortunately, I chose to share the room with her. (Unfortunately in separate beds). I went up to our room afterwards. I went inside and saw her sound asleep in bed. Not thinking of anything but her, I went to sleep.

The dream I was having was strange.

I went to go touch her, but she vanished.

I wanted to hug her, I couldn't see her anymore.

The only place I saw her was when I looked in the mirror.

She was dressed as an angel. A perfect angel, fits her well.

She placed a kiss on my cheek, and faded away.

Suddenly, I woke up. I looked over to see her still snuggled up in her bed and not in angel attire. I touched her arm, and I could feel her.

Thank goodness that was only a dream.

At least, at that moment it was just a dream.

What I didn't know was that something bad would occur very soon that would change us all forever.


Heyo! This is my first book so if it's cringey or bad, I'm sorry.

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--- Laureee

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