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A/N 07/09/18: This chapter is one of the two that had drastic changes made to it due to it being my first book and some things not making sense. Enjoy!


We pulled up to the cliff, and I was forced out of the car.

Roxi held a gun to my head and led me to the edge.

"Well it's the end of the line kid. I guess every story has its ending. This is yours. Goodbye friend."

But just as she was about to pull the trigger, I heard somebody shout something.


This huge boulder was shot at Roxi, making her fall flat onto her back.


"Quick, grab (Y/N) and let's get outta here!"

Then I realized. They all came back for me.

Jimin ran up to me and grabbed me.

"(Y/N)! Get into the car!" Yoongi shouted.

"No! I am not going home with you people if it's the last thing I do!"

And then he stopped.

"Please. I think Hobi here has to tell you something."

Before I could answer, a gunshot was heard.

"Hurry! Get in! We're gonna fight!" He said.

Hobi grabbed my hand and led me into the backseat of the car.


"So, we meet again Min Yoongi...."

I looked at her in disgust, and then I noticed Jungkook in the back about to hit.

"Yeah, I was having a nice life until you showed up again, I thought you had just gone to hell..."

"Hell? I'm going to Hell? That's where your going you SON OF A BITCH!"

But she didn't shoot at us, because Jungkook skillfully and stealthily knocked the gun out of her hand and onto the ground.

"Hey, what the?"

"The thing is, you always gotta look back on your mistakes!"

That was horrible.

"No! Kook, just, no..." I shouted.

"Fine then."

She came up and got her gun back, but not after punching Jungkook to the ground.

"Wow Yoongi, look at us. This could have been over, but you chose to come after me. And now, it's time for you to die. Goodbye Yoongi."

"Oh no you don't! Get her!" Joanne shouted.

"Hah, with what army kid?"

She came out pointing a gun at her.

"This one."

Everyone else ran up to Roxanne and pointed guns at her.

"Oh, and don't think of leaving either. Look up."

We looked up and saw Tae being a skillful and ready sniper on top of a building.

"So, you gonna give up?"

Roxanne didn't take the warning and pushed past us and jumped off of the cliff.

"Too late! This isn't the end! I'll be back and I will get you Min Yoongi!"

And she landed in a patch of bushes and ran off.

"Dammit that woman!"

I had never seen any woman be so brave like Joanne. She's so... perfect.

I walked up to her. "Excuse me, would you care to share a car ride with me beautiful lady?"

She smiled back. "I'd love to."

"Yo lovebirds! Stop being so sappy! OUR ENEMY GOT AWAY!" Jungkook said annoyed.

"Oh Kookie. If you keep talking like that you're going off the cliff too." Joanne and I laughed.

"Let's go in the car. I got a feeling there's a happy couple in there."

And we ran off to go home.

While that mess was going on, let's see how Hobi and (Y/N) are doing...


Hobi dragged me in and sat me down. He looked at me with those deep beautiful chocolatey eyes.


"Why are you forcing me here? What did I do? Do you just need me for something?" I said.

"No. Please, just listen. I like you, I like you a lot. Whenever you're around, I feel so happy. You are my sunshine, (Y/N). When you ran away, I felt empty, incomplete, like I no longer had any reason to be alive. Please come home and be my girlfriend. No, even better, please marry me. I, i need you. I love you." (A/N, sorry I'm awful at the lovey dovey stuff)

"Hobi, I never thought you felt that way. The truth is, I love you too, and I will definitely marry you. But, I just didn't feel like I was wanted there. When you all got pissed at me, and started starving me, I didn't feel like you cared. I'm sorry for leaving." I said sadly.

"No, (Y/N). We do care, we just weren't thinking. To be honest, I think Yoongi was even more upset than I was. He just didn't show it. But we were all so devastated. When this garbage is all over, I am gonna hold you and never let go."

I looked up and saw him smiling brightly. It's nice to know that we can now go home and not worry about our feelings for each other.

Just as we started hugging each other, we heard a car door open and everyone piling in around us. Hobi held me close so I knew I was safe.

"What happened? We missed the whole thing." Hobi asked.

"She fucking got away, AGAIN! But at least we're all safe now." Jungkook said.

I noticed Jin and Namjoon were the ones in the front now, and then it hit me.

Where are Joanne and Yoongi?

But I sighed in relief when I turned around and saw them cuddling with each other and sleeping.

It's amazing how love can be such a wonderful thing.


WAIT A MINUTE WAIT A MINUTE! Don't you wanna know what happened after they drove off?

Well I feel like being a massive troll so I am gonna make an epilogue sometime in the next few days with Hobi and (Y/N)'s wedding.

Anyways, just remember to keep voting, commenting, and sharing! Peace out loves! ~ Laureee

Deep Within Our Soul // J.H.S (WATTYS2018!)Where stories live. Discover now