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The first day of summer. Usually people my age go out and party. Not me. Im laying on my bed listing to music. I am a very antisocial person. Probably the reason why I don't know who my soulmate is.

I should probably introduce myself. My name is Iris Winefield , I am 19 years old, I have medium golden hair, and blue eyes. The only thing i like about myself are my eyes. I love bands and music. I don't really have any friends because I don't talk to people. I used to. Before the incident. Thats when everything changed for the worse. I haven't been the same since.

I get up off my bed and decide to do something productive. I turn my music off and on my way out of my room I grab my headphones and walk out the door. Once I shut it I turn around.

"SHIT! Uh mom what." She was right there. Shes been worried about me because of the incident. I knows shes trying to protect me but its annoying. Im and adult I can take care of myself.

"Where are you going sweetie?" She questions.

"Out." I say with no emotion, and walk away. She doesn't question any further because she knows I wont answer.

Once i walk out of the house, I put my headphones in and blast my music. I decide to go walk to the park nearby. Its a pretty nice park. I never really go outside in the summer because its always hot and I wear long sleeves. I have short sleeve shirts but I always wear a flannel or a sweatshirt when I wear them so no one sees my wrists. They aren't a pretty sight. Ive been clean since the incident so, almost a year. Oh my god. Its almost been a year. A year of trying to recover. Its been hard and I'm still not fully "okay" but I'm getting there.

I walk toward the swings. I love the swings. It makes me feel like I'm flying. Its amazing. Ill go more in depth with my introduction. Well I only have one friend. Her name is sophie and she's is perfect. I honestly don't deserve her. Shes the one that found me after the incident. Whats the incident? Well, I use to have bad self harming issues and one time I cut too deep and I almost bled to death. Soph found me passed out on the floor and brought me to the hospital. When I woke up and I got discharged I got put into a mental hospital. I've been out of that hell for about 2 months. I was in there for about 10 months. It was pure hell. I mean yeah, they helped a little but it sucked.

If I have a mate he probably won't like me. Especially if he finds my history. If he finds out my history..


"WAKE UP YOU LAZY SHIT" my bandmates yell. I make an inhuman noise and try to go back to sleep.

"AHHH! WHAT THE FUCK!" I yell as I feel ice cold water hit my body.

"You have 5 seconds to run." I growl at them. They instantly stop laughing and bolt out of the room.

Once they are out of sight I walk into the kitchen. I'm gonna make myself food. Not them. Only me. They will smell the goodness and come running like dogs only to find that it's all mine. They will think this is my revenge. Oh hell no. They won't see it coming.

I should probably introduce myself. I am Ashton Irwin, I am 19 years old and I still haven't switched with my mate yet. People think I'm the happiest in the band. Even the lads. Im actually not happy. It's all an act. I don't want them to think any less of me. I used to self harm too. Not bad but that's why I wear a lot of bracelets on my wrist.

I get the most hate in the band too. I act like it doesn't get to me but it hurts. A lot. So bad to the point where I almost picked up the blade again. I don't know why they don't like me.

If I have a mate she probably won't like me. Especially of she finds out how sad I am. If she finds out how sad I am.



Hii babes. If you are reading this I already love you loads. I picture Iris looking like Sydney Sierota. This story idea is all my own and I came up with it myself. Any similarities with anything else is all a coincidence.

I was gonna say something else...

OH. My name is Sara and yeah. Sorry for any mistakes. I like rewrote this so many times. Sorry its kinda boring. It will pick up in a few chapter or maybe the next chapter. You'll see. I love you


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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