Chapter XI

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It was 7:00. Rose tapped her foot impatiently. She had spent the whole day pondering how Gerald Rosenplume's article was the missing key to the case. Henriette and Madeleine were putting chairs around a long table that was backstage. People were shuffling in and at approximately 7:02, George Godwin walked in with Elliott and Ashdown. Elliott got everyone organized.

"Alright people, settle down! Everyone got a chair? Good. Alright Godwin, take it away."

"Yeah, let's see what you got, P.I." Ashdown was smirking. Godwin took a deep breath and walked to the head of the table.

"I've solved the case. And unfortunately, the culprit is among you gathered here." Many people gasped and looked at each other suspiciously. Rose's eyes widened.

"But to paint the picture, we first have to start with the motive. Madeleine, you were closest to her. You had plenty of opportunities to take her life..." Madeleine's eyes started to well up.

"I-I would never-"

"Of course. Henriette, on the other hand, was jealous. Jealousy is a good motive..."

"Why, I- Delia and I were friends!"

"Yes, yes but Alice, you got into many arguments with her." Alice started to stutter.

"Well, they were never so... important that I could..."

"Of course, you recently got engaged. There was no reason for you to murder her. And on that note, let's move on to alibis. But first, we have to see what Delia did the day she did which was a Saturday."

Everyone sitting at the table was giving each other suspicious looks and shifting in their chairs nervously. Godwin continued;

"We know she went shopping. She bought a dress and some jewelry. Mostly for a party she was invited to. A party hosted by Alberto Randegger in her honor. We also know she stopped by the theater to get an address from the files; her cousin Antoine's address. After that, we don't know. But I think I can piece together what happened and how she was killed. But, the group needs to know what you all were doing on Saturday as well. Eugene, would you like to start?" Eugene looked up from biting his nails.

"Uh yes so...I was throwing a bit of a party and The Four Corners..." He glanced at Alice before continuing.

"It was a bachelor's party of sorts. I just proposed to Alice. I invited Louis, Victor, Henri, and Jean who came with Monsieur Dimitri and a little while later Monsieur Montalto came."

"I see. How about you Antoine?" Antoine looked up, his mouth slightly agape.

"Oh sorry. I told you, but I was with Pierre and Annette at my house and we-" Godwin interrupted.

"You invited Delia but she never showed. She was planning on it, because she got your address. But what we don't know is why she's didn't show. Monsieur Montalto, what were you doing last Saturday?" Montalto cleared his throat and sat up.

"I was at my home the entire day and then I went to a bar, The Four Corners, and Eugene and Louis.. happened to be there. I already gave my statement, what more do you need?"

"That's all. Now I have a question for the group. Did any of you know Miss Gosse as Ann-Delia?"

Antoine, Madeleine, and Robert Hughes raised their hands while the other looked at them confused.

"Ah. And how did you find out her, I assume, her real name?" Hughes replied first.

"When we put everyone on file, we asked for her real name. But she never liked to be called Ann so she went by Delia." Antoine answered next.

"It was her mother's name combined with the name her father picked out, but she liked to be called Delia. When we were younger, she said it was her secret name or something." Madeleine spoke up too, her voice shaky.

"Sh-she got drunk and she was telling me about all sorts of things. I-I heard her mumble something about a secret name as well." Godwin nodded, satisfied with the responses and turned to Montalto again.

"So, sir, how did you know Delia Gosse's 'secret name'?" Montalto started to stutter.

"Well- I... I don't- I didn't.." Godwin continued, eyebrows raised.

"Now Mr. Hughes, you have a secretary correct?" Hughes looked puzzlingly at Godwin.

The "Yes. She did not come today because today is her day off..."

"I see. Was she in last Saturday?"

"Uhh.. yes, she was. I don't see what this has to-" Godwin cut him off.

"So she would've given Delia Antoine's address. Does she, perchance, not speak English?"

"Well, it's not her first language if that's what you mean."

"So it's very likely she could've misheard Delia and given her the wrong address. Antoine and Antonio do sound alike." The people at the table had begun murmur. Godwin gave a sad smile and continued.

"I think I've left you all in the dark long enough so let me explain. Delia was planning to go to Antoine's house but she didn't know the address. So, she went to Hughes' office to find out. Hughes' secretary misheard Delia and gave her the address for Antonio, which sounds like Antoine. Delia went to Antonio's house and was invited in. I'm not sure why she did not leave but I believe she didn't want to be rude. The two started talking over drinks and I think things got out of hands. Delia got drunk enough to reveal her real name and Antonio got mad enough to strangle her."

All eyes were on Antonio who was shaking and sweating profusely.

"You're not denying it so I presume I'm correct. You realized that you were working with many French people on a French opera written by an Italian turned Frenchman. And you resent that, don't you?"

Antonio pushed his chair back suddenly. He was shaking. He started to reach into his coat pocket but Ashdown was already there, with handcuffs. Everyone was either staring at Antonio or Godwin in disbelief. Rose was the first to say something.

"Wow. We would have never- never known." Godwin gave her a sad smile.

As Ashdown took Antonio Montalto away, Elliot congratulated Godwin and reminded him to stop by the station for statements later. One by one everyone either thanked Godwin or shuffled back home. Rose walked up and took his arm and started to lead him to the door.

"I still can not believe Monsieur Montalto would do such a thing."

"It is rather hard to believe." Rose sighed and turned to him.

"So, what's next?" Godwin furrowed his eyebrows.

"Next? You want to solve more cases?"

"Yes of course! We're partners now right?"

Godwin smiled.

Last chapter! Sorry for the wait -LD

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