A/N:I decided that each chapter will have 2 rants on the simular topic or something to do with it
First rant:Haters
I seriously hate haters.I guess you could call me a hater of haters.Well,aren't we all haters of haters?Anyways,haters just piss me off beyond belief.Like they're everywhere!On FaceBook,on Twitter,on Instagram,on YouTube,oh and on Wattpad.Seriously,they are annoying.Especially the hater on YouTube called Pewdiepie_Sucks.Let's just say he pissed me off and I lost my cool with his bull-shit :3(I usually never judge others opinions but this guy insulted the Bro army.
And lets not forget the lovely Leslie who hated on many of my friends(you know who I am talking about if you got the joke :3 We called him Leslie for some reason)
But seriously.
We know it's your opinion but you don't have to broadcast it online to prove a point.You just cause anger from others and that leads to bullying.So pretty much karma.
Rant 2#:Spelling
I admit,I myself am not the best speller in the world,but this pisses me of when someone purpossly misspells everything in a fanfic.And no not for humor.It's their intention to spell everything in abbreviations and text talk.Especially when the main character/characters are from ages 11-15.Apparently if you're from 11-15 you speak in text talk all day.
Here is an example of the misspellings(*Note:This is just me recreating a scenario in a book were people text talk,this is not from a book.I'm even using cliche names too xD)
Summer:Lyke OMFG I'm soo schools oer.OMG
Ashley(yes my own name is cliche Dx):YAY SO HAPY LOL
Summer:But first,lemme tak a selfie
~example over~
This happens in so many books.First of all,OMFG,OMG and LOL are text talk.I get if someone is talking to someone online or texting and use those words,but it shouldn't be in books.What book in the real world has text talk?Surely none that I've read.
And swag isn't a word
Screw Selfies.