Part 4.1

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Rosie P.O.V.

What had just happened didn't process in my mind till I was being dragged out of the room, still in my chair. I was in so much shock that my screams had died down to wheezes of panic. I was praying I wouldn't have an anxiety attack. I had a history with them and the last thing I needed- besides getting kidnapped- was having an anxiety attack while kidnapped, blindfolded, and tied to a chair.

The men carried me out of the room, leaving Claire behind. The young one with too many teeth and bleached hair yanked the blindfold off of me and gave me what he probably thought was a seductive smile. I was starting to wish I still couldn't see. We took a right which led into a bigger room and another right which led to a smaller room then a left to an even smaller room, but it was bigger than the last one.

The men dropped my chair in the center of the room, facing the door. They did it flawless and effortlessly. Even if they were trying to be rough with the chair, they couldn't be because they were so balanced and strong. The observation didn't make me any less nervous.

After the thugs left me in the room, they closed a white door with a small glass window with wires going through it. How old is this piece of junk?

The ceilings, walls, and floors were drenched in black powder, and going off of smell, I was guessing it was an old coal storage room or something. This place was old enough to have one, from the looks of it.

All the surroundings that I could visually see were either made of rotting wood or old, red, crumbling brick. It could collapse at any moment, it felt like. It seems like it's underground...what if no one ever found us...what if whoever these monstrous men sent that ransom video to didn't care enough you give the ransom- then the men just leave me and Claire here to die. The next time someone sees us, we'll be rotting bones being eaten away by bugs.

"No, Rosie. Stop." I tried to whisper to myself through the gag in my mouth to calm down. I couldn't let myself get overtaken by my mind. That's not how this was gonna be. I had to be smart about this, but still get me and Claire out alive.

The white door opened and the young, bleached haired man came in.

"I thought you might like to know what the plan is for you and your friend, Rosie." He said with an innocent smile. He looked as if he were on an informational video that we would watch in school: poised and proper with proper stance and wording everything with a little too much effort and perfection.

I mumbled a string of curses in response.

"What was that?" He mocked, cupping his hand over his ear and leaning toward me. "I couldn't quite understand what you were trying to say..." he took a step back and leaned against the dust soaked wall. He gave me a menacing glare.

I returned it with just as much- if not more- willpower and hatred.

"Oh, dear, Rosie. I'm just being mean." He pouted, sticking his bottom lip out and getting closer to me. He got to my level, kneeling down and got right in my face, so that our foreheads were touching. I could feel his hot breath on my mouth. "We could have some fun with you. Too bad, Claire will do, I guess. But then, I can't do the things to her that I would just die to do with you, sugar."

This I questioned. Despite the fact that this disgusting man had no sense of personal space and a very large lack of morals, I thought it weird that he said he couldn't have his way with Claire. This was getting more and more confusing by the minute.

I snapped out of my thoughts to realize that the man was still in my face. He got closer, if that was possible. So close that our lips were touching. I groaned in frustration trying to lean my head away from him.

"Oh, don't struggle, babygirl. That'll only make it worse." He sighed, kissing me hard. I screamed through the gag, which was still in my mouth. That just made him kiss me harder, he grabbed my head and he opened his mouth, pulling the the gag out with his teeth.

Who. The. Fuck. Is. This. Guy, and what the hell is he on.

I had just been forcefully kissed by a man who had to be at least 3 times my age, who had kidnapped me, and then took a gag out of my mouth with his fucking teeth. I was terrified for how much weirder this would get.

He backed away a couple of inches to spit the piece of cloth on the ground. Just as he was about to come back to me, I spit at his face, aiming for his eyes. He grabbed his eye and clenched his teeth but did not change his stance. I had to do whatever I could do in order to get this douche bag away from me. All my limbs were bound so I reacted with the only weapon I had. Since he was just 4 inches away from my face, I head butted him in the forehead as hard as I could. This knocked him on the ground, his head hitting the concrete hard. His eyes shut and then I realized my chair was tipping forward. I tried to balance myself but my legs were too short, I fell right on top of the unconscious man and lord knows what he would do when he awoke to a girl on top of him.

I screamed and screamed. One of the thugs would come in if they heard screaming, they had to. They would think their leader was in trouble.

Sure enough, about 30 seconds later, one of the thugs, came into
the room with a worried and angry expression on his face. His gaze met mine and he stepped back in surprise. Then he lifted my chair up with ease, lifting me off of the dirty blonde man. He dragged the pervert out of the room and came back in.

"Did the boss tell you what's going on?" He said in a much kinder voice than I had expected him to have. I stared in shock for a moment.

"" I pressed my lips into a thin line. "Your little pervy pedophile friend was occupied sticking his teeth in my mouth. He was a bit too busy get a word in." Why did I say that? I winced at the ground in embarrassment, waiting for a hand to come flying toward me.

surprisingly enough the thug let out loud and deep laugh, "I'm sorry about Sean. He's always been a little handsy with the ladies. If it gets too out of control again just tell me and I'll take care of it." The man said with a reassuring expression.

So, the mystery man who was in charge had a name. I'm guessing it was a fake name, or else the bigger man wouldn't be telling me. But by the way he spoke about him, he didn't seem all that close to him. Why was this man who was so genuine and kind helping a man as disgusting as Sean? It all seemed so shady.

My thoughts were interrupted by the thug in front of me. He told me what was going on and what had to happen. He told me about Sean holding me for ransom and how he didn't know what would happen to Claire. It all went so fast that I only caught the main ideas of what he was saying. And the one thing that I was sure of was that there was no way we were all getting out of this alive.

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