•running away•

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cheryl's pov


"Get out you little b****!" My father started shouting at my mom. He had a huge bottle of beer in his hand which he had cracked. Glass shards had been spewed everywhere due to him drinking. I accidentally stepped on one and my leg started to bleed. I cursed in pain and waddled up to my room to get a band-aid.

It was about 3 in the afternoon, about when my dad usually started drinking. He had a daily routine: in the morning, blame himself because his sister died, in the afternoon, drink, and in the evening, sleep. I was sick and tired of my parents constantly getting into fights. Sick and tired of being bullied constantly at school, because of my hair and glasses. Sick and tired of life.

"Dad, please stop, the drinking is getting out of hand and you're harming everyone!" I explained softly, not wanting to anger him. My mother just stood there, about to say something, when my dad silenced her.

"You bloody mistake!" He shouted,"did anyone ask your f*****g opinion?" I took some time to process what he had just said.

"I'm a bloody mistake? Is this true, mom?" I asked, tears welling up in my eyes. Suddenly her feet were very appealing to her. She looked up, gritted her teeth and snarled. "Not now, Arnold."

"Then when? When will we tell her that we accidentally had her during a party, that the only reason we married was to keep her? That she's a bloody drunken mistake?" My dad slammed the table with his bottle.

"Arnold! This isn't what we agreed on!"

"To hell with your agreement!"

My ears shut out the rest of the words as I only focused on 4 of them.

I'm a bloody mistake.
I'm a bloody mistake.
I'm a bloody mistake.

The words kept ringing in my head. You're a bloody mistake, Cheryl. Tears poured down my face and I cried and cried. I couldn't live like this anymore. Constant fights, my dad verbally abusing me, no, it was enough. Right then and there I realised I had an option. To a newer, better life.

Running away.

"Cheryl! Where are you going?" My mom screamed, while trying to steady my drunken father. I darted to my room and packed a small bag with water, a wad of notes, a chocolate bar, my phone, and a change of clothes.

Then I sped down, past my arguing parents, who took no notice of me as I pushed the door open and ran. As I took a final look at my house, I affirmed that this was the way to a better, alchohol-free no parents life. I would finally be free. I had no GPS so I just ran towards wherever north was supposed to be. I'm not very good at Geography, that subject is shit.

I ran and ran, stopping along the way to drink some water and buy some things from a nearby petrol station. I knew I had gone far out of my neighbourhood, because none of the places were familiar to me.

By now I was completely drenched in sweat, due to the sweltering heat and I had no idea where I would stay for the night. Since it was summer I guess it wouldn't be too cold so I thought about sleeping at one of the bus stops nearby.

The sun was setting. I had to find a place to rest, and quick. It felt like I had been running for days, but it had only been 5 hours since I last saw any of my family members. I flipped my hand and checked my watch. 8 pm.

Panting, I stopped at a sidewalk for some time. "Shit!" I cursed out loud. My leg muscles had completely torn apart and I couldn't bear to walk. Instantly I regretted not doing exercise when I was at home. I never knew exercise was actually going to help. I thought sitting at home and binge watching Netflix while eating pizza was good enough.

Suddenly, my eyes started drooping. "No, no, no!" I screamed. I couldn't sleep now. I had to run further. My parents would easily find me! "I don't know how far I've run but... sleep...run? sleep or run? a little sleep couldn't hurt..right?" I breathed as black enveloped my eyes, I finally gave up to my tiredness, collapsing on the pavement. 


Hope y'all liked this chapter :) bratayley's gonna find Cheryl sooner or later!

QOTC (question of the chapter): What time is it in the year for you? 

i have my summer holidays for one month, that's why i'll be updating regularly. but when school starts, i really need to study hard because there's exams soon in the next term, so i'll just say sorry for not updating regularly then in advance. :)


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