Argus x rafaela: two angels

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Omg, this is my favourite ship 😆😆
Let's go on with our story
In a school called mobile college, Rafaela was in her dorm talking to herself. "Argus, i wish i can tell you how i feel, but I'm too scared." "Whatever, he'll never like me. Stop thinking about that Rafaela, he'll never like you." Freya entered Rafaela's dorm and asked: "Rafaela, is everything ok?" Rafaela answered:" I just keep thinking about Argus. I like him but, he won't like me." Freya told her:" you should tell him you feel, that's how Zilong and I become couple." Rafaela replied:" easy for you to say when both of you are fighters. I am a support and he's a fighter. I bet he wants a great female fighter." Freya hugged Rafaela while telling her:" you should give it a try, or else you won't have a chance to be with Argus." Rafaela hugged back and said:" thanks Freya, you're the best friend I have."
They didn't know a night stalker was listening to their conversation. The night stalker whispered to himself:" Rafaela, you will be mine one day."
~in class ~
" class, your project will be due on next Friday, which means you have two weeks to do it." Miss Alice said.
"Are we doing it individually or group?" Layla asked. Miss Alice answered:" you will be doing in pairs. I had chosen your partners. The pairs are Rafaela and Argus, Freya and Zilong, Layla and Clint, Miya and irithel, odette and Lancelot, Kagura and hayabusa, nana and Eudora and finally, alpha and Saber. Now get into your pairs and start discussing. Your project will be on 1 type of magic. You can choose one of these magic below dragon flame, music, nature and waves."
Everyone found their partner. Rafaela blushed as she sat next to Argus. Rafaela asked:" what kind of magic should we do?" Argus asked back:" which magic you like the most?" Rafaela answered:" I like the dragon flame." Argus replied:" then dragon flame it is. Can you come to my dorm so we can start our project?" Rafaela blushed while answering: " ya."

~ after school in Argus' dorm ~
Rafaela knocked on Argus' door before going in. Rafaela said:"a-argus, are you in there? It's me, r-Rafaela." Argus said:" yes, come in." As Argus said that, Rafaela go into Argus' dorm. As Rafaela went in, she saw a picture of her and argus with a heart shape between them. Rafaela blushed when she saw that. Argus noticed her and went up to her. Rafaela asked him:" a-Argus, what is going on?" Instead of answering her, he kissed her on the lips and said:" I love you Rafaela, ever since we met." Rafaela blushed harder and replied:" I love you too Argus." They kissed for a few seconds. They do their project together.

Omg I love this ship so much.

This picture is like both of them are gonna kiss 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

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This picture is like both of them are gonna kiss 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

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