I had enough.. Ranma

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"So... Akane, your graduation is next week.. Got any plans yet?" Kasumi randomly asked while she teaches Akane how to cook their Mother's secret recipe for their lunch
"Plans?" Akane looked up to her older sister while washing the rice
"Yes Akane.. Do you plan on pursuing to your college studies? Or do you plan to focus on maintaining this dojo and become a housewife?" She asked with the most calm and sweet voice as usual. Akane blushed, smiled and looked down, as she already know what her plans are deep inside her heart "I.. I.. I actually -"


"..Ranma?" Akane stood to see what's the commotion between Ranma and his Father.. Again...

She ran from the kitchen to the dining area and stood behind the door while she evesdropped their conversation.

"Ranma, its about time to run the dojo. You should now get married to Akane as soon as possible! Be a Man!" Genma commanding Ranma with a very very serious face.

While Akane still blushing behind the door, waiting for Ranma's response

"HELL NO!! Who would want to be married to that kind of girl?? Seriously POPS!" Ranma protested
Akane cuts in with a big stomp on the floor and a dark blackish aura behind her
"Hey easy with the floor! You might break it." Ranma insulted
"Who would also want to marry a perverted half man half woman like you?? You asshole! Stupid Ranma!!"
"Oh yeah? Well as far as I know a lot of girls are dying to be engaged with me.." Teasing Akane
"Then marry them! Marry a lot women as you like! You proud pervert womanizer!!" Then Akane walked out the door and went upstairs straight to her bedroom leaving her chores to Kasumi.
"Stupid Akane! Tch!" Ranma exhaled as he crossed his arms while getting back to his seat on the dining table.

Lunch time at Tendo Residence, they sat complete on the dining table while eating silently. Soun cleared his throat..

"Its a bit quiet today, have you noticed Genma?"
"It is.. It is a quiet, annoying and stubborn day today Soun.." Genma responded
"Shut the hell up pops."
"What the..? Am I speaking to you?! Shut up, you disappoint me you useless brat."
"You wanna fight dad??"
"Don't start a fight if you don't want to be beaten up like a pulp!"
"Oh yeah?!" Ranma stood from his seat, getting ready for a possible attacks
Akane cleared her throat as she slammed the table with her right hand "Kasumi, I have made my decision.." Showing a letter in her hand

Everyone has set their attention to Akane

"Decision... What decision?" Ranma asked
"Don't worry, it doesn't concern you Ranma.."
"Ara.. What is it Akane?" Finally, a sweet voice after a short noisy quarrel
"Dad, I want to continue studying.."

Everyone was shocked

"Akane, how about the dojo?" Nabiki asked
"I think its not the time for me to manage the dojo.. Yet.." Akane said while looking down with a faint smile "I have actually applied to a university a long time ago and the good news is I got in!" Announcing the good news to the family with a faint tone
"Well congratulations Akane! Great job!" Kasumi said while passing Akane a cup of tea
"Thanks sis!"
"In what university did you apply dear?" Asked by Soun
"Ah... That is.. In Hampton University.."
"Hampton University?" Questioned by everyone vocally as the name of the University is not familiar
"Where in Japan is that Hampton University, Akane?" Asked curiously by Soun
"A-ctually dad.. Its.. Its in U.S..."
"You're leaving us??" Nabiki asked furiously as she smashed the bowl of rice on the table "you're unfair Akane!"
"Why the heck you choose to be in USA? There's a lot of universities here in Japan!?" Ranma said
"Like I said Ranma, this doesn't concern you.." Akane answered in a snobbish manner
"Tch! Stubborn as ever.. Its up to you to decide then.. I don't even care! I'm outta here!" Ranma walked out without finishing his meal as Genma hurredly swallowed all the food in his bowl to catch up with Ranma.
"Also, the semester will start a month after the graduation so I am planning to leave right after the graduation. I-I need to settle down there and look for a part time job before the class starts so..."
"Its a bit sooner dear but.. If that's what you want then I'll be supporting you.." With tears in his eyes
"Oh come on dad, its just 4 years! I'll come back! Don't be such a cry baby!" Akane insisted
"Well its your fault.. If you could have told us earlier then we could have prepared ourselves..!" Nabiki complained
"I'm sorry okay! I'll just send you stuff from US that you can sell here in Japan. Are we good?"
Nabiki looked at her sharply "Make sure that it looks very expensive so I can sell em in price hike..."
"Haha sure! No worries!"

The week have passed and its almost graduation day, Ranma and Akane never spoke with each other and continued on trying their best not to be together as possible.

At last, the graduation day and the day that Akane will fly to America has arrived.

"This is it!" Akane clenched her fist as she went inside the hall where the final ceremony will be handled. Students were crying and some are just serious but Akane were sitting there on her seat emotionless. The pain in her heart were striking, but the thought of crying is not helpful anymore for her.

While the students went to say goodbyes to their teachers, Akane went straight to their home silently to get her things for her flight to America

"Are you sure you're not gonna wait for Ranma?" Nabiki asked
"Sis, not a chance..."
"Are you sure? Poor Ranma.. "
"Like he cares anyway.. Its good that I'll leave this place.. I just.. Just can't take it anymore.. "
"So Ranma its really his fault, he did hurt you badly.. That's why you've decided to go away.. " Nabiki striked
"I- I don't want to be late to the flight.." Akane grabbed all her belongings and hurriedly placed it inside the taxi's trunk and said goodbye to everyone
"Akane I'm gonna miss you! Take good care of yourself always!" Soun said while crying endlessly
"Akane, be sure to eat atleast 3x a day okay?" Kasumi reminded
"The stuff you promised! I'll be waiting for it!" Nabiki exclaimed
"Akane, don't get a boyfriend in US! I'll take care of Ranma!" Genma assured
"Hahaha everyone, I'll take note of that! Goodbye!" Akane said while closing the window of the taxi.

The smile in her face faded as soon as the taxi windows were fully closed, hoping  that she'll not regret her decision. Being optimistic even though it hurt her so much, getting used to the feeling until her heart becomes numb..

"I'm sorry.. Ranma... But I think this will be better... if I'll just stay away from you, Ranma.. I hope" Akane said to herself while staring at the sky

As soon as Ranma arrived home wondering where Akane is as he was expecting that they'll at least be going home together, he found everyone comforting Soun as he sob helplessly on the floor

"What's happening?" Ranma asked everyone

Genma got up and walked away while staring angrily at Ranma

"Tch! What was that all about old man?? Sigh.. Anyway, has anyone seen... A.. Akane..? I-I kinda can't find her anywhere at school.." Hiding his blush while looking at the necklace clenched in his palm

Soun bursted into tears even more as he heard Akane's name again

"She left." Nabiki spoke with less emotion
"SHE JUST LEFT! GO! PLEASE RANMA TRY TO STOP HER!" Nabiki exclaimed as Ranma sprinted out of the main door
"GO GET HER RANMA MY BOY! Bring her back please.." said Soun while whiping the mucus out of his nose "oh Akane, why is this so sudden.."
"Dad, its okay. Akane is a big girl now, she can go where she wants to go, let her explore the world, dad." Kasumi comforts her dad
"You're right Kasumi.. Sniff sniff!"

Ranma, still running, trying hard to find a taxi. "Shoot! I don't even know what her flight number or the time of her flight!!" Then at last he saw a cab and hailed it "To the airport please! And fast!" He said to the taxi driver

Ranma arrived at the airport past 7pm

"Where is she?? Where is she??" Running nowhere inside the airport, Ranma decided to ask an agent in a ticketing booth about a flight going to America
"Flight to America at this time already took off at exact 7pm. If you want to rebook your flight you'll just need to pay charges..."
"Ah.. I see..." Ranma did not let the man speak any further and walked away "So.. She's gone... Akane is gone.." While staring at the golden neckless on his hand. "Its my fault!" He looked down and hit his own head.

Ranma did not come home after that and just spent his night inside the tunnel of a playground near their village. He stares at the twinkling starry night, thinking of how's Akane doing while flying in the sky.. Away from her family.. Away from him.. He fell asleep with salty water dripping from his eyes.

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