Can't resist

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They both went back to their hotel room and changed their outfits back to casual. It was just 5 o'clock in the afternoon and both of them are sitting on their beds and still stunned of what was just happened and why their fathers sent them to a very dangerous convention.

"Damn old man..!" Ranma mumbled as he glanced to Akane's direction

Akane was spacing out

"H-hey.. Akane..." He was puzzled by the facial expression that she was making

"Ne.. Ranma.."
"Do you mean it.. the thing you said to those men..?"

Ranma remembered what he said

"She's MINE! If you touch her I'LL KILL YOU!!"

"W-which one..?" He said to avoid any misunderstandings
"Hmmm... Nevermind.." then Akane looked outside

"Gosh.. I'll be with her until tomorrow, I think I'm gonna be insane! What to do?? I think I need some booze just to fall asleep! That's it! I'll invite her to drink. Then when I'm drunk I'll just go to sleep! Yes that's it!" Ranma thought to himself as he cannot stand the awkward atmosphere anymore

"Say... A-akane... Would you like to.. hangout..?"
"Hmm..? Where to?"
"Don't know yet, we'll just walk around and look for a bar or something..."
"Hhmmm... Okay...! Let's not waste this free trip and get over with what just happened earlier" Akane smiled
"Y-yeah.. hehe.."

She didn't knew that Ranma's initial motive was to avoid her and the awkwardness being alone with her in a room.

While strolling the streets, he can't help his eyes lay on Akane as she walks ahead of him. He noticed some changes into her, her arms and legs are thin, seems like she's not working out much in America. Her hair is a bit long, her movement, seems like she's gliding not walking. Ranma did not realize his face is already red and his heart is beating like crazy. "Ranma stop! You're acting like a pervert!" He said to himself

They've stumbled to a nearby bar which the theme is very cozy

"I think this bar will do, what do you think?" She asked
"W-well, yeah its pretty good." Though he really doesn't care about the place as he only needs to calm his mind down just to be able to sleep.

They sat at the bar table in fornt for the bartender and ask for drinks.

"Beer? Whiskey?" Ranma asked Akane
"I'll take beer"
"Two beers please..." he politely asked the bartender
"Sooo... do you often drink? While you were in America?" He asked out of curiosity
"Honestly I just tried it once and got myself wasted and promised myself never to drink again."
"Then why are you going to drink again today?" Ranma followed
"Well... because.. I also want to have fun.. with you.." she looked away after saying that
Ranma was shocked by what he heard he felt his face fired up and his heart raced as if he ran for miles "B-but don't get me wrong!! I just! You see.. I just left without letting you know soo... Ranma, I'm sorry.. I just don't know how to face you anymore. I was so childish and stubborn, actually every names that you're calling me is true. I am sorry, Ranma."

"Two beers for the lovely couple" the bartender said and them gave a wink

Ranma picked up his beer mug and gulped his beer empty.

"Woah!! You're a good drinker!" She exclaimed
"Ha! That's not to be proud about." With faint smile
Akane smiled and took a sip from her beer mug
"Another mug for me please.."
"Coming right up!" The bartender hurriedly took the empty mug and get Ranma a new one.
"It's alright, Akane. What happened in the past, will be just in the past." He said then drank his mug of beer as fast as he could so they can go back to the hotel and sleep.
"HEY! Why are you drinking so fast!"
Ranma just smiled as he felt the alcohol kick in

After gulping his 3rd mug, he suddenly heard a beer mug slammed on the bar counter

"Another... one.. for me.. please..!" Akane said trying to catch up
"What are you doing??" Ranma said
"I will never gonna let you defeat me, even in this kind of situation!" She drank the 2nd mug
"You'll get drunk!" Ranma said worriedly
"What do you expect?? This is an alcohol! One more please!"
"NO." He gestured the bartender "You're drunk let's go back." Ranma took out money from his wallet to pay for everything "Keep the change, thanks!" He took Akane from her waist and walked back to the hotel.
"So you've been like this in America?
"I guess soooo...."
"Who was with you then?"
"My friends..."
"Are your friends female? Or a male?

Ranma wanted to ask about her boyfriend without making him sound like a jealous moron.

"H-how about your..."
"Stop asking me questions already!" She removed Ranma's hand away from her and walked by herself
"Where are you going?"

Akane purchased Vodka from a convenience store nearby and went straight to the hotel room.

"Hey Akane, isn't that too much?" Ranma asked
"Drink with me.." handing him his shot
"I don't care. I am frustrated, I am sad, I am angry!"
"Woah.. calm down!" Ranma said while reaching the vodka shot "Geez, I thought I am gonna be able to sleep after that beer." He thought to himself

After an hour of just drinking without talking. Akane finally breaks the ice.

"So Ranma...." drunk "so how's your relationship with Ukyo?" Akane asked
"Hmmm? Fine just fine.." Ranma did not bother to think what kind of relationship Akane was referring to because he is also drunk
"Hhhmmm! Good for you.. good for her! She finally got you!" Pointing at Ranma's red face almost to his nose
"Hhmm?" Looking at Akane's finger makes him crossed eye which made Akane laugh
"What's funny?" He smiled and grabbed Akane's finger and kissed its tip
"Hey Ranma!" Snatched her finger back "What do you think you're doing?"
"What?" Ranma being confused
"Ukyo will be mad!"
"You're kissing other girl's finger!"
"Girl? Who? You?"
"Ranma!!!" That made Akane very very mad "You stupid moron! You never change!"
"Hahahaha! Sorry sorry, just kiddin.."
Akane crossed her arms
"You know, you're so cute when you get pissed off..."
Ranma realized that he has no right to flirt with Akane because she already have a boyfriend. "N-nothing..."
"I heard you said something"
"Maybe you heard the TV..."
"It was you... dont lie.."
Ranma sigh... "Let's stop this, we need to sleep." Ranma stood from the table and went to his bed.

Instead of going to bed, Akane went to the balcony and drink more from the bottle.

Half an hour passed by, Akane starts sobbing as if she's letting out her feelings which were kept for 4 years, her sadness, desperation, her longingness for Ranma and besides that, she's really really drunk.

Ranma was about to fall asleep but he heard her, so he hurriedly went out to the balcony to check.

"Akane?! Are tou okay?!"
"Ranma..." crying
Ranma saw Akane sitting on the floor
"What's going on??"
Ranma went near Akane
"Ranma..." wiping her own tears she stood up
Ranma was about to touch her cheeks to wipe her tears but Akane suddenly hugged her, very, very tight.

"Ranma... have you really, hated me? Am I really unattractive to you?"
"Ukyo.. she's very feminine than I am.. I understand why you chose her.."
"What are you talking about? Akane, you're just drunk.. let's go to sleep." Ranma pulled her back into their room

As they went in, Ranma closed the balcony door and guided Akane to her bed.

"You need to sleep, you are very drunk." He patted her head
But Akane grabbed him closer to hers

"Ranma.. kiss me..."

Ranma felt it within him, he knows it with himself that something has made a bond between them that he cannot easily destroy, he cannot let go of her, he want her, he longs for her, now she's there asking for his attention. How can he resist Akane's sweet temptation.

MINE - A Ranma 1/2 fanficWhere stories live. Discover now