What is in me?

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I saw a strange looking creature. It wonders off where no crowds were at. I followed it. It hid itself inside of a cave. I saw it. It curled up and disappear with no trace. What am I doing here again? I don't why I'm here. Maybe I should go back. "Are you going already?" a creepy voice echoes in my head. I look back. Nothing was there. I'm definitely hallucinating. "You are not hallucinating. I'm on top of your head," a creepy voice said. I look up. Nothing was there. I reach my hand on top of my head. A soft cotton? It can't be. I lift it up a little and move it where I can see it. A stuff toy dragon? It can talk!? "Hi there!" the purple little toy said as it wave it's hand left and right. It's so adorable! "You can talk? You're a..." I ask excitedly. "Yeah, I can talk," the purple dragon said. This little guy has no pupil and iris which freaks me out a little. "Who are you?" I ask. The purple dragon's cheek curl up creepy. I thought, "Ok. He is not so cute afterall." He took a deep breath. "Ah!! L'u, you should have told me that you were coming," One said. L'u exhaled due to lost of excitement. One came running to him and grab him from me.

We met with everyone. Sharlotte's eyes went wide open. She was dead silent. One lift L'u up so high that everyone can see him. They all wasn't paying attention to him. He turned back to L'u. "Do they hate me?" One ask. L'u looks up. "You know, I think I should teach them a lesson. Do you want me to?" L'u ask with kindness. One shook his head in agreement. He let L'u go. Those tiny legs went walking towards against the giants. He shouted, "Alright you weakling! Time to teach you all that you can't beat the One Above All even if it cost your life. It is not worth it!" Everyone look around to find that source of sound. They murmur to each other, "Hey, did you hear that?" "Yeah I did. A rude person is among us." "Where is he?" L'u stood on top of a rock that is taller than everyone else. "I'm right here!" he shouted. Everyone saw him. They all laugh so hard that they drop to their knees. One was right behind L'u. "It's ok. Really." L'u looks back at One. He patted his head. "Don't worry about a single thing. Your elder got this." One wipe his tears. He walk back to mommy.

One came running towards me. "L'u is super strong!" One said. I thought he was lying at first but when I saw L'u, there was a tremendous amount of energy building inside of him. Quinshy brought Kring back towards us. "So what is the commotion?" Quinshy ask. I look at her and said, "My son got depress that everyone didn't pay a close attention him and the purple dragon toy." One pouted. He starts to hit me. "Call him L'u. I respect him because he was like a dad to me." I look down to him and knee to his height. "What happened in the future?" I ask. One told me, "Everyone were gone by my dad (Keto) and he also died as well. Leaving me behind in the lonely darkness out in space. No light exist just darkness. Everything were perished to nothing. Until I met L'u, he created a land platform and start to teach me." Quinshy's mouth start to drool as well as Kring. They creep up on One. I grab One and went towards Sharlotte.

Sharlotte stared at L'u. She frozed like an ice. I saw fear in her. What made her so scared? I look at L'u. He was shaking his rear end towards the 52's. "Over here! You miss me!" L'u shouted. I look back at Sharlotte. "Why are you stiff as ice?" Sharlotte look at me very scared. "Do you know who he is?" she ask me. I'm not really understanding why she is so scared. "No, I don't but One does." I think it made her even worse. Sharlotte ran towards L'u.

Sharlotte commanded everyone to stop. Everyone stop. Sharlotte knee down to see L'u. "Do you really have to play games with these fools?" she ask. L'u looks around. "Come on. They are boring. Even the One Above All can do better than them combine. I do what I want till One is satisfied with it. Heck! I'm just a little stuffed toy." Sharlotte paused in silence and walk away.

L'u look towards the 52's. "Do you want to know what is like to feel death?" he shouted. One of the 52's shouted, "You and what army!?" L'u made a very funny grotesque face. He was disgusted by that answer. Everyone laugh at him.

A sudden heavy pressure pressed down on everyone including me. All of us were on the ground barely moving a single millimeter. Those who are not affected by the pressure were Quinshy, One, Sherlock, Spi, Brihilde, and Sharlotte. One came running towards me and jumped on my back. The pressure stopped for me. I stood back up while carrying One on my arms. "Mommy, I saved you from death's door." Sherlock was looking at me very mad. "Tch." Sherlock said. I knew she want me dead! There is something more that I don't really know about Keto.

L'u change the space around everyone. The pressure was lifted. Everyone was already standing without realizing. Then it change back to normal. "So, how do you like that? Hmm?" L'u made a mocking tone. The 52's were talking to each other. Kring look around and said, "I didn't do anything but dote on my grandchild." L'u made everyone shut up by showing a little bit of energy that they can see. A red aura appear around him. L'u hold out his left arm out. "I'll be bringing the punishing weapon of all time that was created by me." Everyone backed away in fear. Those tiny little arms don't have fingers. He is only 4 inch tall. A little tiny portal open up. The same pressure that was felt from before but a lot less dense. L'u pulled out a weapon. Everyone screamed and ran away into a trapped dimension created by L'u. L'u was holding an icecream cone. "Ah, I wanted to be friends with them," L'u got depressed. He walked back to One and gave him an icecream. "Do you want one?" L'u ask us.

A few minutes later, I look around to find the 52's that were from this timezone instead of 30 million years ago. I look down as I eat my icecream. One was looking at me. He is already done with his icecream? Look at those puppy eyes. I couldn't bare to see his eyes, so I give him my icecream. He grab the icecream and said, "Thank you, mommy." He moved my heart. I smiled and pat him on the head. One eats his icecream and walk over to L'u. I get a feeling that I won't see him after this battle. I hold my hand on my belly. A tiny movement start to wobble. It wasn't a strong a wobble but a little push. I feel like I was going to puke. I knee down and puke. "Bluaa." What is wrong with me? I never had this feeling before. Quinshy was already behind me. She pat me on the back softly. "Are you by any chance pregnant?" Quinshy ask. I look at her with a strange gaze. "What do you mean pregnant?" I ask Quinshy. I fear of pregnant, but I should have been happy though. I think I fear because Keto isn't here for me now. Quinshy move her hand on my belly and scan it with her magic. "I detected another life form...i...Oh god." I didn't know what she by "Oh God!" Quinshy paused and call Sharlotte and Sherlock. They both came over to me and stood behind me. "What's the hold up?" Sharlotte ask. Quinshy grab Sharlotte's hand and move her hand to my belly. "Wha.." Sharlotte paused after that. Sherlock's eyes shifted from blank to mad. "Hey, I thought you said you haven't mated with Keto yet," Sherlock said in a mad tone. I look at her. "I'm serious! I haven't even mated with him yet, and I already had a child?" Sherlock calls in King Arachnid. He walks over to them and ask, "What is going on?" Spi follows her dad.

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