Chapter 1

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Lashae p.o.v

"Shae whea the comb at " my little sister coco said while doing her hair "On yo mind " , I responded watching her face change . I laughed and threw her the comb . We was getting ready for work . I own a tattoo parlor in Baton Rouge Louisiana and I let coco come work there and get paid under the table jus cause she's still 17 and she can't work full time . I'm 19 and my name is lashae Jones but people call me shae. Me and my sister are well known around Louisiana mostly cause are reputations.

We used to fight a lot and be in a lot of gang activity, but after getting the right amount of money I decided to do something smart that would benefit me and coco in the long run.

"Is you ready slatt " , coco asked "yea c'mon u driving lil girl " "bet " now I might have let go of my old ways but my sister still working on it . She got a boyfriend or whatever that's known for being in the biggest gang and drug dealing gang of Baton Rouge, she a real cool female so she know all of them and they come to the shop from time to time

There's one they keep telling me I should meet but I just don't got time for a relationship right now , and I know that's what it's going to come to

"Shae three and the gang coming to the shop today , u wouldn't mind tatting youngboy would you?" She asked , I already knew what she was doing , three has been trying to get me with that dude for years now , I jus never seen him in person

"I know what u doing coco and I'm not going for it " I gave her the look

"Whatttt it's jus a tattoo c'mon plz" she begged

"No I don't want to be involved in u and yo gang bs "

"Alright look if u don't like him u won't never have to see him again , jus one tattoo "

"Hell nah ", I said

"Bitch "hell nah" dis dick down yo throat , you giving him a tattoo ", she got out the car and walked into the shop

I can't believe she jus said dat . I got out and walked in

"BAD BITCH SHAE SHAE" , ocean screamed when I walking in

"BAD BITCH BLU" I said back

"You know my baby daddy coming to the shop today " she said and I instantly knew she was talking about youngboy. Although I never seen him I doubt he is that fine for girls to go stupid over him

"Girl don't remind me I'm tired of y'all talking about him now I can meet him "

"U gone fall in love when u meet him girl I'm telling u , but Remember he mine " she side eyed me then walked in the back where coco was setting up

I laughed and went to my room setting up for the day ... these girls are crazy

Young boy p.o.v

"Ofc he do , kd ass look like he from the depths of Africa " three said as we laughed

"Nigga shutcho butternut squash colored ahh up"

"Anyways we still going to that tattoo shop later on " b asked

"Hell yea I need to see my baby coco" three answered

"Coco cool asf but what's up wit her sister she a stuck up bitch " kd said

"That's the girl y'all tryna get me to talk to " I asked

"Yea but she not stuck up she jus don't want to be affiliated no more like her and coco used to be bad asf and she trying not to go back " three answered

"Okay damn doctor Phil , he asked a question not an 5 page biography about her life fuck outta here " , kd said

"Look fuck nigga I tried to warn y'all asses before y'all go in there acting stupid asf "

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