Chapter 23

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Coco p.o.v


I turned around and it was ocean holding a gun up to my head she squeezed the trigger and I closed my eyes .

I felt my body hit the floor and people going crazy in the crowd I thought it was over but my body felt normal

I opened my eyes and she laid bleeding in my lap with three bullet holes in her stomach

My heart dropped and I couldn't move . I saw youngboy three and the rest of the gang rush off the stage and kneeling down to her head while they called 911

They were talking to me but I couldn't talk I couldn't move and everything started going in slow motion

Not another one god

Author p.o.v

"I don't give a damn how hard y'all gotta work how many mufukas y'all gotta call in if my baybeh die I'm blowing dis bitch up and that's on your life " Kentrall yelled at the people at the front desk as shae was rushed to a room. He was so scared and sad but he couldn't show it . He only knew how to show aggression when it came down to situations like this .

Coco was staring at the wall with tears streaming down her face . She looked numb like all the life out her body was gone three sat next to her putting her head on his chest . He couldn't even think about how she had lied about where she was going he hated seeing his 2 favorite girls like this

"Lashae Jones " one of the doctors came out and said. Youngboy jumped up so quick with kd three and b right behind him

The doctor stepped back and cleared his throat " Uhm I'm actually looking for her sister , I believe her name is coco " he said

"It's Elizabeth "she said above a whisper

"Elizabeth lashae is in pretty bad shape and I think that " he paused to look around " maybe we should speak in private "

When Kentrall heard those words he fell on the ground . He knew that hearing those words didn't mean good

Seeing that coco didnt move the doctor set by her taking his glasses off
"I'm not saying it's the end but I'm also not saying that it isn't " he said in a low tone he saw her head drop and tears rolling down her face "usually doctors don't make promises because they don't end well but I promise that we will not let her go easily " he finished and walked off

Out of all that was going on Kentrall still hadn't shed one tear . The last time he cried he promised himself that he would never cry again . But tonight might get to him depending on how it goes

Kd came with food for everyone but nobody could eat . He didn't even want to eat himself he jus wanted to lighten the mood .

Kentrall walked over to coco and set down . Nobody said a word but they both knew what each other were thinking

"She knew it was gone happen " coco said "she kept telling me something didn't feel right and I didn't listen " she cried as Kentrall held her hand

"It's not your fau-"

"Elizabeth she's - " the doctor came from the back breathing hard " she's stabilized in a coma y'all can come speak to her she can hear she jus won't respond " before he could even get the last words out Kentrall was already in the room . Little did they know the doctor only rushed to tell them because he wanted the last voice shae heard before she died to be of her loved ones

Shae p.o.v

I woke up in an all black room I couldn't see anything and the last thing I remembered was flashing lights . I tried to get up or find a light but I couldn't move. I tried to call out for help I couldn't talk . All I could do was hear doors opening and closing then I heard a voice

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