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The structure of the worn-down warehouse was immense and reeked with the musky stench of mould and dust from the docks. It was the cliche type of modern-day villain headquarters that you would only see in every crime syndicate movie. The only downside was that movies didn't leave you smelling these rat holes that criminals hid themselves in. Guards were using the corners of the old warehouse as washrooms, making it a total pigsty. Yet none of that was the current problem that Jane was facing in regards to the whole situation. Jane was just a plain ol' Jane-like character; at least, that's what everyone knew her as. Little did they know behind her plain mask, it was the furthest thing from what was the truth.

Jane was the weird, sorta popular, sorta not girl in her university. Her dark silver hair stood out from the social norms that made up the rest of the school. She always wore a black zip-up hoodie with multiple military patches covering it. To everyone else, the patches didn't mean a thing, but to her, they were what made up her world. Each patch symbolized something different, but the one that mattered the most was the one with the NE logo on it. A patch that, for some reason, meant the world to her family. Having been passed down to her by her grandfather Cy whom she had never met.

At first, she didn't know why it mattered so much, but it was the first badge that started her collection, and on each hoodie, it found a spot of importance. It almost felt like the equivalent of their family crest. Aside from the badge, Jane stood out in other ways, she was fairly toned compared to other women in the school. She had practically grown up in the gym, training under her father, who was an MMA fighter on the occasional weekend. He had taught her everything she knew, but Jane ensured no one knew that side of her. A subtle layer of chub covered up what was once her chiselled six-pack, and the rest of her was generally covered from head to toe.

With all that being said, Jane did have a reputation for being the bad bitch of the school. She was the equivalent of a don's right hand in the mafia. If people were friends with her, and it was mutual, they never had to worry. She was only close to people she cared about and ensured her peers, mainly the boys, knew that. From broken arms to broken noses, Jane had been suspended so often that her house was on speed dial at the majority of the schools in the city. She couldn't blame them since the schools had every reason to get rid of her, but they also knew she was an asset. In Jane's school career, she was on nearly every sports team and a member of each nerd-filled club, including the chess team. Jane was a perfect student and a multi-time champion. Yet with all these accomplishments, people wouldn't help but wonder how she had currently ended up in the confines of a drug den. Two guards watched over Jane as her arms were strung up above her head and her feet were angled, forcing her to stand on her tiptoes. Her treasured hoodie was lying on the floor at her feet, leaving her restrained in only a sports bra and yoga pants. The answer to how she got here was simple, this was her job. However, describing it would take too long, and she usually let her actions speak louder than her words.

"So, are you, boys, like into BDSM or something? Or is there a better reason for why I'm tied up like this?" Jane taunted the men guarding her as a wicked grin crossed her face. The two guards continued to stare at her, military-grade assault rifles at the ready if need be.

"Shut up, girlie. You obviously don't know the danger you're currently in." One of the guards growled at her, which made Jane smile even more. A smile that no girl in her situation should have.

"Oh, come on, is your boss even going to show up? What's he even going to do to me anyway?" Jane said, continuing to mock them.

"Just you wait; he likes the mouthy ones...and so do a lot of the buyers." The same guard growled again before raising his weapon and putting the barrel against Jane's navel. Still, that didn't change the expression on her face as she continued to smile in an attempt to mentally throw the man off, yet knowing that if he pulled the trigger, she'd die.

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